Sunday, August 15, 2010

How Much Is To Much?

Day 198:"God loves us the way we are, and far to much too much to leave us the way we are." Yet, we women are continually trying to figure out just how much is too much. To much is when you have to ask yourself that question. Just a little something to make you go,ummmm.

Saturday, August 14, 2010

It's Hard Letting Go

Day 199: "Sometimes letting go, is the only way to get yourself back." I really don't think much more can be said about how and what I'm feeling today. I want me back and so I'm fighting hard to not be and enabling and get myself involved trying to fix everybody's mess when I've got more than enough of my own.Enough already...Rita.

Friday, August 13, 2010

HWhite Luxury Movin on Up

Day 201: "Some men see things as the are and ask why. Others see things that never were and ask why not."- George Bernard Shaw This is the favorite saying of my friend Harriett White. Today we spent 12 hours together getting the HWhite product packages ready for Hollywood. HWhite Luxury has been chose to be one of the vendors in the Red Carpet Celebrity lounge before the Emmy's.

As I watched her pay attention to every detail of our work I felt especially proud of her. The product is fabulous and I'm one of the biggest fans of the way it smells and how its all day effective. It was just a little over two year's ago that we sat sipping cappuccino in a hotel lobby in Israel as she unveiled her passion to make these products for women of color. And now two year's later she's developed products she had that would mirror a Le Muir or J Malone for all women.

I know the products will be a hit at the Red Carpet Lounge in Hollywood and I can't wait to see what the end will look like. It you want a wonderful luscious product that's all day effective be sure to check out the fab merchandise at

You better do you Harriett!

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Investment is Your Life

Day 209: "Wisdom is the reward you get for a lifetime of listening when you'd have preferred to talk."~Doug Larson It's almost midnight, and I must admit that everyday for the past couple of months I have seen midnight. This is however one of the few nights that I'm not falling out of the bed at the laptop.

In fact, I feel very energized and inspired by the multiple, multiple conversations I've had with some incredible people. Today I was really listening to some of the leadership in my business. When you actually fine tune your hearing you start to release your spirit to tap into the spirit of those you are called to. When you listen you can hear when others are hurting even though they are not telling you with their words.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Why Does Good Have to Hurt So Bad?

Day 210:

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Things People Say about You to Create Bondage

Day 211: I met a very nice man and his family after a business meeting earlier today. He had us joined our business and I was congratulating him. He then express his concern about being able to tell people about the business because he was shy. At first I thought he was kidding and as the conversation went on I knew he was serious

Monday, August 2, 2010

I've Got an 800 Credit Score

Day 212: The word says, we should owe no man but to love him.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

First Born Sons

Days 215-213