Can we just agree that we tried and it just doesn't work? When a relationship comes to and end why does someone always have to be mad? I fired my boss and she was mad as hell about it. Her actions suggested she felt the same way my ex husband did when I told him I wanted a divorce. His comment was "Ain't no b-t-- ever quit me," translation is” how dare you quit me, don't you know who I am?" Translation- I'm suppose to quit you. How dare I decide to quit being micromanaged and having my light put out daily. How dare I decide that I want to get up and do what I Love everyday? How dare I decide I don’t want another human being to decide what my financial worth is?
I dared to look in the mirror and make the bold decision to step out on faith and fire my boss. No, I don't have it all figured out and I don't even have the first contract signed. But what I do know is that it takes no amount of faith to quit when the contract is in hand. No need for God to show up if I already have it all figured out. A friend of mine asked me about five years ago when I was going to stop talking jobs. He said someone was always going to want to hire me and that I would never know what it was like to have my own business if I didn’t just do it.
So, I picked up my handbag and scooped up the three pictures of my granddaughter off the desk and stepped into my destiny. How great is our God!
Friday, October 23, 2009
I Fired my Boss Today!
Posted by Rita Love at 10:21 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
Your Tears have not gone Unnoticed
Then Hezekiah turned his face toward the wall, and prayed unto the Lord, 3. And said, Remember now, O Lord, I beseech thee, how I have walked before thee in truth and with a perfect heart, and have done that which is good in thy sight. And Hezekiah wept sore. 4. Then came the word of the Lord to Isaiah, saying, 5. Go, and say to Hezekiah Thus saith the Lord, the God of David thy father, I have heard thy prayer, I have seen thy tears: behold, I will add unto thy days fifteen years. Isaiah 38:2-5
Thought for the Day: Your Tears Have Not Gone Unnotice
Reflection for the Day: Your Prayers Will Make a Difference
Hezekiah prayed to the Lord for healing and when he saw Isaiah, he anticipated a positive answer to his prayer. The news was not what he desired; Hezekiah was told that he was going to die. He refused to accept this news as final, but instead, turned his face to the wall and prayed. His petition and tears went before the Lord and they did not go unnoticed. God added fifteen years to his life.
In the midst of your greatest challenges, do not give up. Though you feel that not even God is listening, your tears have not gone unnoticed. The odds may appear to be against you, but God is listening, and at the proper time change will come. Your prayers will make a difference.
Regardless of what you're going through, it could be worst. God knows exactly what you can bare and He knows all that you can handle. He has equipped you with the needed resources to make it everyday; faith, love, praise, and prayer. If you apply each of those throughout your everyday journey, God will not let your challenges and your oppositions over take you. It doesn't matter how bad it seems to be or how bad it seems to be getting, God is able to deliver you and give you more than you had before.
God is listening and He will respond. Praying to Him is that form of communication that he loves to hear and not only does he listens and hears you, but he also answers back with positive results. God said in His word that he will never leave you nor forsake you and then David reminds us in Psalm, "that He has never seen a believer without protection" so when you're going through He's there and when you're doing well he's there.
I’m a walking testimony that it does get hard sometimes and sometimes harder than most. If the truth be told, just like you, I wanted to give up. Even when the challenges seemed to have gotten the best of me, God came and showed the strength in me. “The weaker I got, the stronger I became as I allowed Christ to take over." I want you to know that God is faithful and He's able to deliver you. It was for my benefit that I faced those challenges, that God was able to prove His love for me by keeping me. Let me encourage you today! God says that if you go to Him in prayer with faith and without doubting and make your request known to him in the name of Jesus, He will do what you have asked him to do; Jesus said, "And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Son may bring glory to the Father." Just like Hezekiah did, humble yourself in prayer and remind God of your faithfulness to Him and remind Him of his word; tell God what you want and He will also give you what you need!
The time has come in the earth realm that if you don't have an intimate relationship with Jesus and a prayer life with God, you will never make it. Hezekiah was faithful to God, but still God sent Isaiah to tell Hezekiah that he was going to die, but because Hezekiah knew God and knew how to pray and not only how to pray, but pray with faith and with expectations, he didn't die, but God added 15 more years to his life. So, are you going to give up and allow your challenges to overtake you or are you going to turn to God in prayer and let Him know that in spite of what it looks like, you trust Him to deliver you? Not the judge or prosecutor nor the lawyer. He will use whom ever He chooses He even uses and ass in the Bible to accomplish His will.
Your prayer gets God's attention and your faith is what going to move Him!!!
Rita Love
Posted by Rita Love at 8:43 PM 0 comments
Sunday, October 18, 2009
A Reason, A Season or a Lifetime
I have found that people and opportunities come into your life for a reason, a season or a lifetime. Guess what? You get to decide why and how long they belong there. You have that power of choice. It is amazing how free you feel when you finally let go of that person, job, or habit that has been holding you back.
Are you in a relationship or a position or in a rut that you know should be over? But you simply can't seem to let go and reach out to embrace the refreshing winds of change. Maybe your season is up at the job you no longer have passion for. Everyone all around you can see that your love and drive for the work just isn't there. But, you think you are masking it with small surges of energy that you muster up on occasion. What you are really doing is feeding off the enthusiasm and passion of those around you.
We often fool ourselves and allow "shoulds" "coulds" and "if onlys" to control our lives.
Women more than men tend to stay in dead end relationships, jobs and routines because of the paralyzing fear of taking a risk. However, ironically, by avoiding risk you run another one: You are sacrificing your dream life on the altar of fear. How many times have you told yourself this relationship is killing me softly -- yet you remain in place? Sometimes, people come into your life just for a season. They were sent to deposit something into you, help you see something about yourself, or fill a temporary void. Yet their presence in your world was only meant to be temporary, and you have allowed them to stay way past the season.
Some may say we are in the worst of times. I choose to believe we're in our finest hour. It's time to pack up all the excess baggage, and move on, move out, and move up. You might need to go back and thank some of those people who have left you. Had they stayed, you would not be the person who you are today.
My desire for each and every one of us is that we will all find the courage to pursue the depth of talent and gifts that lie within, to tap into the reserve of life yet unseen by our peers, and to unbind the silent wealth of power screaming to get out.
Today, I choose to love people who love me back; say "yes" only when I mean "yes"; know when something is over; only give my number to people whom I really want to have a conversation with; let money chase me instead of me chasing money; be proud that people think I am a Holy Roller (because if they knew what I was rolling about they would be rolling, too); jump for joy when people ask me to pray for them; and keep preparing myself to walk out the destiny that God placed in me before I was formed in my mother's wound.
Posted by Rita Love at 7:53 PM 1 comments
Moving into the New
Starting back on October 3, 2009 God started dealing with my past. So far, every week out of this month I have had to face some old hurt or wound that had been buried but not really dealt with. Do you realize when you cover your stuff up it can always be unearthed? Well, I' m a witness that unless you completely deal with a thing it can come back to stand you down even after 25 years.
As a child, I was told many untruths and I was forced to confront some of them recently. After all this is the month that God is going to deal with your past. I'm simply amazed that He would love me so much that He would only allow me to face these when He knew I could receive it all in love.
Is this a time for you to confront some of the situations that you've been holding on to well past their time? Is it time for you to forgive some wrong or hurt that is limiting your ability to move into the new things God has planned for your life? You may be just like me and think just because you haven't thought about it for sometime it's dealt with. Yet, you know in your heart of hearts you haven't it just lying dormant.
I want you to did deep within your self and ask the God to help you confront whatever it is you're holding onto that is holding you in bondage. Maybe you were terminated unjustly, or he had an affair, or even some part of your childhood was stolen from you. I dare you to face it head on and ask God to replace those old wound with a piece of His heart.
The only way to move into the new things that God set out for your life even before the foundation of the world is to FORGIVE. Forgiveness is not for the transgressor but rather for you. Try today to move forward and not look back into the old.
Not looking back, moving ahead, surrendered my life to Christ and I'm moving forward.
Posted by Rita Love at 6:16 PM 1 comments