Thursday, November 5, 2009

No good ideas--you can steal mine

Today, a dear friend who has one of the brilliant marketing minds of our time called to tell me one of her game changing ideas had been stolen. Stolen by a colleague she had shared her strategies and concepts with. Not only stolen but put into execution and presented in her presence to her team as though she wasn't there.

I could feel her pain as she explained confronting the thief and how she was met with aloofness and "I thought of this years ago, you just gave it a name." Wow! Another close friend just told me a couple of day's ago to stop sharing everything that God was downloading to me with others. She said everyone is not going to be happy about your dreams or ideas and on occasions like this they will steal them. The thief comes but to steal and destroy.

The friend thought she was sharing her strategies with another believer which made the betrayal even more unbelievable. Well, I've found that believers come on all levels just like non- believers. At the end of the day if you don't have an intimate relationship with the Father you will be tempted, fall and find yourself stealing something that does not belong to you.

While the colleague may get some temporary accolades around these game changing concepts they will be short lived. I've experienced over and over again that even when your enemies look like they are winning they aren’t'. Maybe her day to be held accountable for this steal won't be today or even tomorrow. But it will come.

In the meantime, we must stand on the promises of God about who He says we are and what we are destined to accomplish on this earth. Remember, I said this friend has a brilliant marketing mind and she is a thought leader. I love to just sit with her and gleam from this visionary whenever the opportunity presents itself. So, brilliant, phenomenal women please remember this--you can not share your treasure with everyone. Only release to those who you know in your spirit you should and only release when its time to release. Until then, just keep it to yourself or talk to the trees.
Don't cast you pearls to swine...they'll eat them every time.


Cyncere said...

Another good one..."...brillant, phenomenal" -- I like that! :) I'm one! :)