Tuesday, January 19, 2010

All the doors are OPEN

It’s about 3:30 am on my birthday and I am wide awake. I spent most of my day basking in the glory and overflow of a powerful revelation spoken over our congregation on Sunday. Bishop Tudor Bismarck from Zimbabwe brought a powerful apostolic word straight from the throne room of God and it moved in my spirit like quick fire. A stirring so powerful in my spirit and mind that I am in awe of God’s love an unable to sleep. He released that all the doors were now open.

The possibilities of what is about to unfold in my life is the culmination of a season of brokenness, stripping and refining for the work ahead. Just last week, I realized for the last 3 years I have desperately been trying to put the finishing pieces on my own puzzle. And not only mine but my children as well. In the end coming to the realization that I was not holding the final missing piece. It was never in my power to mold me into what I am destined to be. Yet, as I surrendered all of me and asked the Lord to make me over until I pleased him was the final corners refined.

I am humbled because of His loving-kindness and all I want to do not is pour out my love on Him. It has taken me all these years to learn to enjoy the journey and I promise I only received the grace for it a few weeks ago. I was bought with a price and when the word says you must take up your cross and follow Him…I get it.

Many of you know I ventured out on my own again (this is my third and final time-death, burial and resurrection) in November and it has been nothing short of overwhelming. Nothing that I thought would happen for my business has taken place. Yet, this hard place was meant to teach me that my sole dependency was to be in God and not in man.

My faith has grown and matured to new levels as I rest in His grace- God’s enabling power. I don’t know what doors will open first but I know that every one that has been closed is open to me now. I know new doors are forming even as I write my closing words and announce that I win-watch out world. I know there are many people tied to my destiny and have been waiting for me to get it together. If any doors were closed to you before I encourage you to go back and see again…take another look. Call forth all the doors that were closed to be open and walk through them. See you on the other side of the door.