Thursday, February 25, 2010

What are you storing up for yourself?

Day 350- Remember what we possess in the world will be found at the day of our death to belong to another, but what we are will be ours forever.

"Store up for yourselves treasures in heaven...where thieves do not break in and steal. Matthew 6:20

Today was a good day for eating right while trying to eat smaller portions and remembering that snack in-between meals. I had an killer workout on the treadmill today as I listened to Michael Jackson "Essentials" and got in 3 miles. Totally taking the gym slow this time around and not going in like Superwoman. I must remember this is a marathon and not a sprint but the body sure does- hurt so good.

Each day as I read the comments left on my Facebook page I'm amazed at the things we talk about. The things that get our attention seem to have mostly nothing to do with frankly nothing. Do we actually care about the Atlanta Housewives where 3 out of the five don't even have a husband. Our true selves are usually revealed in our seemingly trivial Facebook and Twitter postings.

Many readers of my blog continue to comment that I'm being so transparent in the things that I share on this journey. This morning about 2:00 a.m. as I was preparing to turn in I realized this has become a labor of love. The word of God says that some plant, some water but God does the increase. My prayer is that these postings are good seed and will be watered with God adding His favor.

Going to get on the phones now and work my ZamZuu business tonight. I want to go to Coast Rica so I've got to get busy. In the book of Ecclesiastes we're instructed to have at least seven streams of income. I'm focused and I'm diversifying as well.