Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Passing Over Opportunities Repeadly=POOR

Day 316: “He who refuses to embrace a unique opportunity loses the prize as surely as if he had failed’’- James Chance. I literally sat at the computer for over 7 hours today as I was willed and determined to get a proposal into my client. While my eyes burned, back hurt and I had not eaten all day the finished product was wonderful.

The Mac Book Pro came today and I was too swamped to spend time getting to now it. I did fire it up toward the end of the day just to take a peak. I am so supper happy to on the cutting edge of technology and I have orientation tomorrow and class. Tonight I hosted my first Webinar and I think I did a really good job and surprised myself. I was a little disappointed in the response from the guest I had on the phone.

The question was asked does it make sense to get paid on things you are doing anyway? Answer, Yes. Question, is there anyplace you see yourself losing in this business? Answer, No.

Then why do we then want to go and do more research? I asked one of my guest if she researched Walmart before she went shopping with them. She actually said, Yes. I continue to be in awe of how we as a people- Black folks repeatedly pass over opportunities. For sure, the business I'm in is not for everyone. It's not even that it's just, it's more our mindset is so very makes you go ummm.

Can"t get stuck in traffic got to keep it moving. Note to self-all the doors are open and everyone can't go through the doors I'm going through- they don't fit.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Go Where You're Celebrated Not Tolerated

Day 317: “Dear to us are those who love us. . . but dearer are those who reject us unworthy, for they add another life; they build a heaven before us whereof we had not dreamed, and thereby supply to us new powers out of the recesses of the spirit.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson. I received a call asking, if I was going to be able to keep my commitment to work on a project in the ministry. It got me thinking about what was really in my heart as this subject had been on my mind for a few weeks.

When I decided to submit my gifts to the ministry I knew from working in my church where my gifts would best support the kingdom. However, I was willing to work wherever there was the greatest need. Of course, it would be doing something in marketing but not in the area in which I wanted to volunteer. It was suggested that I could work in another area for a while and then prove myself.

I actually agreed to it knowing all the time that the idea that I needed to prove myself to man was not sitting well in my spirit. I even tired to convince myself that the role I was asked to participate in worked for me because I was interacting with people. All of my life I’ve had to deal with rejection and the result of it has been me becoming an enabler and taking on other people’s stuff.

My Mac arrives tomorrow and that means graduate school starts for me. I’m working on several client projects and building my ZamZuu business. The thought of having to prove that I’m worthy to lend my gifts to the ministry doesn’t seem to be in right alignment. I want to be where I am celebrated and not tolerated. Even thought I know in my heart this is not the intention of the leadership it’s still a reality. I know the ministry God had placed inside of me is outside of the four walls of the church and in the marketplace. In no way am I offended but I do need to keep it moving and not get stuck in the politics of it all.

Tonight, I witnessed another business partner in ZamZuu get a $5,000 check and her testimony of getting into the business to save families was moving. This is what ministry in the marketplace looks like for me and my sphere of influence is in the business arena. We had Locker Room talk with our millionaire mentor Donald Bradley and I could not pay for the coaching and pouring out he did tonight.

He came up to me and told me how influential my circle was and that he wanted me to get him in the room with them. Here is a millionaire extending himself to be accessible to help me build my business and grow my genealogy. The first words I remember hearing spoken when I joined this business was “documentation beats conversation.” While I have not become as documented as I will be in ZamZuu, he recognizes who I am and I don’t have to prove myself.

Note to self- Find Your Center- magnetize to yourself all those things that are in alignment with your inner being.

Monday, March 29, 2010

Swatting At Gnat’s

Day 318: “An important project was begun, a bishop quoted an ancient sage as saying, "If our thoughts and hopes are elsewhere, it is impossible for us to set our faces steadily toward the work required of us."—Anonymous. It’s very late and the day started and ended with major distractions designed to throw my day into utter crazy.

I woke up early excited about the goals and objectives I had set for myself. It was literally after 9:00 before my T-Mobile network came back. Not only did I have no phone service but no Internet as well. I had just told my cable provider Comcast on Friday, that I could not think of a reason in the world why I would need a land line.

Three hours into my day and the house is awake and immediately starts moving into full throttle. My daughter has a very hard time getting that I work from home. This is her second week off from school for spring break and I’m paying for her to take a vacation this week. Did I mention that Snowball the dog who is about ten years old and needy keeps walking back and forth at my office door for attention.,..ahhh. I’m so tempted to leave him in Piedmont Park on his next walk…just kidding PETA.

Oh yes, school started today but my Mac won’t get shipped until tomorrow and arrive on Wednesday and I’m actually happy about it. I can’t imagine how I could have added school into this day. I started out turning down my plate to fast and ended up at Starbucks’s for a Latte.

I kept trying to take back my day and it was simply hit and miss and felt like I was swatting at gnats. I did get a small amount of business done today and moved some of my task to complete. The highlight of my day came while speaking with my sister Lawana who lives in Chicago.

She made me laugh to tears as she explained how when she read yesterday’s blog she thought it was a continuation of the day before about love running deep. Seems my post about my college sweetheart left her wanting to know more about us. I told her she would have to wait for the book.

At the end of the day I am a very blessed woman. With all the distraction with my family I could not imagine life without them. Tomorrow comes with new mercies and the hope of a day filled with meeting expectations and moving closer to walking out my destiny.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Love is Everything It's Cracked Up To Be

Day 319: “Love is everything it’s cracked up to be. That’s why people are so contemptuous about it. It’s worth fighting for, being brave for, dying for, living for, and risking everything for. And the trouble is, if you don't risk anything, you risk even more. Yet, we have this truth that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. There is no greater love than this for He first loved us.
I have been operating on two hours of sleep and worried I would fall asleep at 7:00 am service. Thank God the message brought forth by Pastor Gary Oliver out of Texas was a Karos word. There was such a great air of expectation this Palm Sunday from the congregation. We celebrated by bringing our Tabernacle offering to the altar.

The Meaning of Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday commemorates the triumphal entry of Jesus into Jerusalem to celebrate the Passover. The gospels record the arrival of Jesus riding into the city on a donkey, while the crowds spread their cloaks and palm branches on the street and shouted "Hosanna to the Son of David" and "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord" to honor him as their long-awaited Messiah and King.

The significance of Jesus riding a donkey and having his way paved with palm branches is a fulfillment of a prophecy spoken by the prophet Zechariah (Zechariah 9:9). In biblical times, the regional custom called for kings and nobles arriving in procession to ride on the back of a donkey. The donkey (or domesticated ass) was a symbol of peace; those who rode upon them proclaimed peaceful intentions. The laying of palm branches indicated that the king or dignitary was arriving in victory or triumph.

After church I drove an hour to Carrolton, Georgia for my first ZamZuu private business reception for Sylvester and Vickie O’Neal, Even though they’re not on my team they asked me to present for them and it was my pleasure to do so. If you sow much you will reap much, sow a little and reap a little. Driving back in the rain, I decided to treat myself to dinner and sit down to a classic white table cloth environment.

My thoughts are jumbling as I’m really past exhausted so I’m signing off .. knowing that I am loved and have been bought with a price. Goodnight!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Love Runs Deep

Day 321: “I love you not only for what you are, but for what I am when I am with you. I love you not only for what you have made of yourself, but for what you are making of me. I love you for the part of me that you bring out.” -Elizabeth Barrett Browning. I spoke with my college sweetheart and first love for a couple of hours today. It makes me feel warm and fuzzy to think we are still sweethearts after almost 30 years.

I use to tell people if I never find love again I know that I have been loved by a wonderful and gentle man who was my best friend. We talk a couple of times a year and it’s always as if we had not spoken in a few days. We shared many real life challenges which bonded us with life long memories. I enjoy the easiness of our conversations.

The amazing relationship between me and his mother has spanned the past 30 year's as well. She once told me I was always going to be her daughter and that my children were suppose to be her grandchildren. Those are the kind of words that take your breath away and make you want to hug yourself.

My son calls me First Lady and today I realize more than ever he is truly a mama’s boy. As my daughter is a daddy’s girl. As we talked about his future and what direction he was shifting to over lunch, I had flashbacks of the first time I held him. He really is a good looking young man and I can’t wait till he settles down with the young woman who will bear my grand children. I really do want lots of them and so this year I plan to move into a larger home in preparation for them….my plans.

Driving back from hanging out with my son I was listening to the best music on satellite radio. Since I was feeling very melancholy I turned on Anita Baker “Angel” which absolutely took me on a stroll down memory lane. To a much simpler time when all I had to worry about was getting good grades in college.

I must admit that most of the time I am deeply focused on business and helping others. Like most women I tend to forget about me. And after all this blog for the most part is about me falling in love with me.

Today, I remembered that I am loved...thanks to all of you who love me and please know that I love you more.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Faith To Keep It Moving

Day 322: “Flatter me, and I may not believe you. Criticize me, and I may not like you. Ignore me, and I may not forgive you. Encourage me, and I will not forget you.”- William A. Ward. I have found that when a person feels encouraged, she can face the impossible and overcome incredible adversity. Few things help a person the way encouragement does.

You know, difficulties seldom defeat people; lack of faith in themselves usually does. Today was a day where you just had to believe in your self. Distractions tried to ware me down on every turn and I mean every turn. My daughter is on spring break from college and since she and my son are seven year’s apart she acts like an only child. She’s planning her next week trip to Florida and believes because she’s off and has an agenda that needs to be funded I should be accessible.

Because I currently have a home office my friend’s and family call during the day to inquire “what you doing.” Today’s hair appointment for a color rinse and cut took 4- count them 4 -hours. I took it all in stride and tired to get as much accomplished as I could as I waited. At the end of the day, my hair cut is fabulous and I’m very happy about it.

I had the best Jamaican food in Atlanta today and it was a major highlight for me. I didn’t make any money today nor was I able to position myself to make profit. I kept the majority of my commitment for the week and feel really blessed for the favor and access.

One of my sister’s is in crisis with her teenager but is unable to step outside of her self to get down to the core of the problem. Even though she comes to me I believe she thinks I think I know it all. I tried to tell her she has the benefit of my wisdom but I'm thinking just be a listener. I am going to go into spiritual warfare for both of them but mostly my niece. I have empathy for them both and only want to see them happy and living their best life.

Tonight I’m reminded of the vision of our church… Love Like Him, Live Like Him, Lead Like Him.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Why We Celebrate Passover?

Day 323: "In Exodus 12:3-14 we read, “The blood shall be a sign for you on the houses where you live; and when I see the blood I will pass over you, and no plague will befall you when I strike the land of Egypt... This day will be a memorial to you, and you shall celebrate it as a feast to the Lord. Throughout your generations you are to celebrate it as a permanent ordinance.” Tonight, I began a Passover celebration with many Christians around the world. I'm asking you my family and community of reader's to shift with me for a better understanding of why I chose to go in this direction. Understanding this one major celebration is so important I wanted to share the knowledge I've gained with you.

As we approach the celebration of PASSOVER we must remember that Passover is a celebration designed by God! This Feast and Event was given to increase our faith and prepare us to enter in the fullness of His blessing! Passover was commanded by God for the Jews in the Old Testament to teach them the importance of redemption by the blood. But it was also observed by Christians in the New Testament to remember and understand God’s redeeming work! The Bible tells us it is to be a permanent ordinance… a celebration for all time! God is restoring Passover. Below is exceprts from teachings by Chuck Pierce on the real reason we celebrate Passover.

Passover is very important to God! But the enemy HATES Passover! The enemy has worked diligently to steal Passover away! The good news is: God is restoring Passover. But it is a battle! The battle for Passover is the battle for the blood. Satan wants to give us a bloodless religion, because a bloodless religion has no power! The power is in the blood!

There’s always a battle for PASSOVER. We see it in church history!
In the 4th century, when the emperor Constantine tried to merge Christianity and paganism, it sounded like a good deal to many! He legalized Christianity! You could go to church without having to fear being thrown to the lions!

And Constantine didn’t mind Christians having a celebration of Jesus’ resurrection… But he did have an issue with PASSOVER! He demanded that Christians not celebrate Jesus’ resurrection at the time of Passover! At the Council of Nicea (A.D. 325), he declared, “This irregularity [observing Passover] must be corrected!”
At the council of Nicea, Constantine outlawed Passover and directed that Christ’s death and resurrection be celebrated on “the Sunday following the first full moon after the vernal equinox,” …a time associated with the spring festival of the pagan fertility goddess Ishtar… also known as Eastre! (That’s why in the church today we celebrate the resurrection at Easter instead of Passover!) Constantine’s goal was to remove Jesus from the context of Passover!

The Battle Continues!
Many in the church resisted Constantine’s edicts, so for many centuries after Constantine, the battle for Passover continued! In the sixth century, for example, Emperor Justinian sent the Roman armies throughout the empire to enforce the prohibition on Passover! In his attempt to wipe out the “heresy” of Passover, thousands of men, women and children were brutally murdered! Entire cities were massacred for refusing to stop celebrating Passover! (The battle for Passover has had many casualties!) Pressured by the government, the Roman church joined in the attempts to stamp out Passover.

Well, it’s official all my paperwork has been approved and I will start graduate school Monday, March 29th right after I enjoy my Seder meal for Passover. As we restore Passover the power returns to the body. I’m very passionate about searching out the secret things of God’s word. I hope this teaching blesses you way more than it has me.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My Attitude Is Flying High

Day 324: "Risk more than others think is safe. Care more than others think is wise. Dream more than others think is practical. Expect more than others think is possible. "~ Cadet Maxim. In speaking with one a friend earlier in the day he talked about how everything you do in life is predicated on your attitude. It got me to thinking about how the Lion in the mirror from yesterday. This challenged me to study my attitude today and those whom I came in contact with.

There are only 4 days left until graduate school starts and I’m calm as my enrollment guide works through the last of the paperwork. His attitude has been warm and fuzzy as this is a $30,000 investment and I’m sure they don’t want to lose one student. I must admit that the customer service at Full Sail University has been nothing short of impressive. That coupled with the human factor of a dedicated and loyal staff that called me on nights and weekends to make sure my task were completed. They get an A+ for their attitude of helps.

Today I was unwavering in my attitude to get my exercise in as I walked Piedmont Park. I feel exhilarated and ready to go pull and all nighter. I’m in multi-tasking mode with several partners working on projects with me….I love this. Tonight, after study I’m going to rework my Vision Board for Costa Rica because I’m finally committed to actually being in the contest. I am now "in it to win it” and the board will help me to see myself there. Since the contest began about six and a half weeks ago I have dropped one person into my business. The odds of me getting 30 People into my Power Team seem impossible. I love it, because that’s when the God of impossibilities gets to really be glorified.

I asked a close friend for a favor today and I preference it with “you can tell me no” and I would not be upset. She did just that, and my attitude was thank you so much and I was cool with her answer. Her denial simply meant I needed to go somewhere else for my Yes.

I reached out to another friend ( sounds like national friend day) and as we were talking she paused to pick up her other line. I could hear her speaking and wondered who she was talking to so abruptly. When she came back to me she conveyed it was her husband she had just hung up with. I mentally checked off in my mind to be very conscious of how I speak to my husband. (please know he's on the way)

Yesterday, was 40 straight days of blogging and 40 biblically represents a season. I hope you're stay with me on this journey to see what God is going to do through me.

This day was amazing and I can truly say that I gained everything… because my attitude is Flying High.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I See a Lion

Day 325: "Life is queer with its twists and turns, As every one of us sometimes learns, And many a fellow turns about. When he might have won had he stuck it out. Don't give up though the pace seems slow -You may succeed with another blow."- Anonymous. It was another day of staying in the zone and diversifying my business and my thinking.

Everyday I feel as though I’m getting closer and closer to a major breakthrough. I have no idea what it is it’s just something in my knower that says keep pushing. Yesterday, I totally over did it and this week is shaping up to be a very busy one.

One of my business partners Demond Crump talked to our team tonight about how he always saw himself as a Director in the business. He challenged us to think about how we see ourselves. It does not matter how anyone else see’s you it only matter how you see yourself. Of course, I know this yet his illustration was a WOW. He showed a slide of a cat looking in a mirror and the reflection staring back at it was of a lion. You see, to everyone else the cat was only a cat, but to the cat he was a lion. So, when you look at you what do you see.

I’ve written down some big dreams for myself this year and if I intend to see them come to fruition then I’m going to need to be on my A game .I’m going to have to see the lion staring back at me. My study time continues to be off and that is not good. I feel every night as though I’m cheating the Lord out of His time with me. After all, He is a jealous God-jealous over me.

I see myself carrying the ball and it being passed to me for the game winning shot. Going to make a cup of hot cocoa and spend some time in the word and loving on the Lord.

Monday, March 22, 2010

I Did It My Way

Day 326:"I will not die an unlived life. I will not live in fear of falling or catching fire. I choose to inhabit my days, to allow my living to open me, to make me less afraid, more accessible, to loosen my heart until it becomes a wing, a torch, a promise. I choose to risk my significance; to live so that which comes to me as seed goes to the next as blossom and that which comes to me as blossom, goes on as fruit."-- Dawna Markova

I woke up with the absolute feeling that I was going to Win in everything I did today. Even as I slept, I could hear myself unconsciously telling myself to dream big and not let anyone or anything deny me. Waking up with a plan that I was committed to following with passion made for a noteworthy day.

Mary Muhammad has become my accountability partner and she is pushing me to become a member of Coach’s Corner in my ZamZuu business. I'll become part of an elite group of entrepreneurs who are being mentored by the Founder Coach Lloyd Tomer. There is nothing like walking with like-minded people who can see a vision and move towards a common goal.

Six more days before graduate school and I’m trying to get myself mentally ready to step into it. We’ll see if they can close the gap on the paperwork. I’m blogging and it’s almost 11:00 pm and I’m listing to my Monday night leadership call. I’m fading to being over tired because I have been working since 8:00 am this morning. No exercise today but I did eat healthy, drink water and green tea.

Working for myself these past sixteen hours have been nothing short of extraordinary…I love it. I started Friday working on the hook up to make a personal introduction to one of the most sought after radio Gospel Host in the country Coco Brother. Well with some favor the connection was made through a gospel recording artist friend. He called it a God connection and we ended up talking three times this evening. He even got BeBe Winans on a 3-way call with us.

This day produced a nice harvest and I was able to plant some wonderful seeds. I truly believe I gave God something to work with today and my angels were busy delivering as well. It is definitely time to close it down because I have a date with the gym in the morning. My friend Didier is coming from Paris at the end of the month and I want to look fierce...

Sunday, March 21, 2010

I Am Bound To Be True

Day 327: “I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live by the light that I have. I must stand with anybody that stands right, and stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong.” – Abraham Lincoln As the nation moves towards making healthcare available to ALL Americans I am bound to be true to the call on my life. I must do my part to make this world a better place for those in my sphere of influence.

I had such an Aha Moment on last night and it has extended into this day. I heard confirmations throughout the day that I had speaking into my own life. One of those was, you have to sow in a famine, the world calls it a recession. You have to be committed to giving God what belongs to Him first before you are willing to give it to Bank of America.Must folks can not handle that truth.

The only time in the Bible we are told to test God is in Malachi 3:10 when He says, “Bring all the tithe (the whole tenth of your income) into the storehouse, that there may be food in My house, and prove Me now by it, says the Lord of hosts." "Shall a man rob God," He asks?

Last week one of my business partners told me he needed me to stop holding back and be in ZamZuu what I’ve been in corporate America. He stated that he wanted me to be the Rita Owens who influences things and makes it happen. I understood what he meant because I had taken a posture of waitng until I’m more documented to lead. Actually, one of my mentor’s in the business calls that getting stuck in traffic. Green Light!

Tonight, I've already mapped out my strategies for next week with goals and objectives posted and written on my heart. I Am Bound to be true to a higher calling and standard because I desire to be a blessing to others. I will leave a legacy to my children’s, children’s, children's, children.

Father I pray: “Cause me to hear Your lovingkindess in the morning, for in You do I trust; cause me to know the way in which I should walk, for I lift up my soul to You...Teach me to do Your will, for You are my God; your Spirit is good. Lead me in the land of uprightness.” Psalm 14:3, 8, 10

Open my eyes to cutting-edge technologies, methodologies, tactics, and strategies that can aid me in doing Your will.

Grant me the ability to hear clearly as You give me insight, witty ideas, and creative inventions.

Cause my spiritual eyes to function with 20/20 vision for the correct insight, understanding, and interpretations of the choreographic movements of God.

Father place the anointing of a warrior upon me. Strengthen the hedge of protection around my life, my possessions, my family, my friends and associates, and ministry.

Father, I pray all of this on my behalf and on behalf of my children, family, friends, church, region, state and my country. And those who are blessed from reading this blog.

I Am Bound

Saturday, March 20, 2010


Day 328: “You can not afford to release capricious words out of your mouth because the spirit realm takes every word uttered from man as a command and mandate…..this is how powerful the spoken word is.” —Cindy Trimm. Sometimes your success, your progress, or your blessings can be held up and hindered not because you are speaking negatively, but because others have released negative word over your life and you have accepted them as true. I refuse to sit back and passively let life happen to me.

Tonight, I represented a client at an event hosted my prominent attorney Willie Gary out of Florida. He is presenting the first annual Classic Gold Music Awards and Atlanta was the first of five cities for the unveiling. As I sat back and watched the people in charge of the event I put on my event eye and watched all the moving parts. As I was chatting with Mr. Gary, a former colleague walked up to us and said, “she’s rich you know." I of course replied," absolutely and thank you for speaking it into the atmosphere.

Atlanta is home to some of the most pretentious folks you will every want to meet. But, tonight the A-List was not out in full affect but the crowd was charming and interesting. Mostly, I watched the team in charge and thought to myself they’ve gotten themselves connected to a mover and a shaker. I have got to step up my intentions and speak life over my destiny. I must set myself in position because I could be one person away from having what I want to launch the magazine.

As the mailman came and went today, I was a little frustrated that my client’s had not made it a priority to pay me. I decree and declare that I am living in the overflow and that wealth and riches are in my house. Our prayer life has to be strategic.

I’m getting actively involved in my own destiny. I’m not taking anything else lying down because the power for change in my mouth. The power for prosperity is in my mouth, the power for healing is in my mouth. The power for a successful business, ministry, marriage, relationship, successful children is in my mouth. In the book of Job, God said, “you shall decree at thing and it shall be established” Job 22:28. I will finish my book by June 1.

All secret things belong to God, but those things that are revealed belong to man. One of my favorite scriptures is Proverbs 25:2 “It is God’s privilege to conceal things and the king’s privilege to discover them. When we take command over our life and words no one can hinder, alter or abort your destiny.

Friday, March 19, 2010

I Refuse to Be Silent

Day 328 : It’s more important to be your child’s parent than to be their friend. They can have lots of friends, but only one mother. When my daughter was just entering high school she shared how her close friend and her mother were best friends. I asked her if this was the kind of relationship she wanted us to have. She thought about it for a minute and said, Yes. I thought about it for no minutes and replied, "maybe when you're older, but for now I'm going to be your parent."

Parenting is heavy on my spirit today as all around you can see with eyes wide open the breakdown of family. We have celebrities who are saying fidelity is not necessary while others are talking about open marriages. I ask what about the children? We sit glued to our television looking at people like Sandra Bullock win awards all the time wishing it were us. Then with the blink of an eye you fade to black and see the damage done to a family and especially the children.

When did it become right to have men live over your children who are not their father and it be okay? Just because the baby daddy has a woman living with him does not justify what you expose your children to. Am I holding women to a different standard- I'm holding mother's to a higher standard. At the beginning of this day, I was hurting for daughters and later I heard the story of a major recoding artist who said to me," don't forget about the boys". We must protect our boy's as well. He went on to tell me the abuse he suffered at the hands of a boyfriend.

I'm hurting and I will confront it when I see the children in jeopardy- in love not in condemnation. We must be watchful and have discernment of what is going on in our children's lives. We must open the lines of communication and ask questions. I don't give a heck about your privacy or if you want to hear the advice I need to share with you. I will release what I know to be truth and then you are accountable for what you do with it.

I made a plateau of mistakes in raising my children and because of that I have wisdom to share that might help other's avoid some of those pitfalls. My daughter is a baby with a baby at twenty years old. I thought I sent her off to college equipped but the language mistaken as love was stronger than my teachings. My beautiful granddaughter is a blessing and I couldn't imagine life without her. Yet, everyday I see the struggle of a young girl pushing to be a woman and a parent.

At the end of the day we all make decisions. While her pregnancy broke my heart, at least I have the comfort of knowing I did my very best to protect her and give her Godly wisdom to operate with...her words not mine. I know I played a role in it by not recognizing she was not mature enough to go off to college and I should have kept her close.

When our kid's fall down we have to look in the mirror and ask ourselves what WE could have done differently. Not because it will change anything but it could affect the future of another child, maybe your own, a friend’s, family member, neighbor or stranger.

I want to be able to stand before my Lord and tell Him I did my best for His children whereever I had knowledge of need. We cannot afford to not get involved because they are not our children.

This is a TEST- If it HURTS it is not LOVE!

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Love Made You Mine

Day 329: “It is better to be part of a great whole than to be whole of a small part.” – Fredrick Douglas. I can still hear my great grand mother, Mama Julia saying to me,"love and Jesus made you mine."

As I chatted with family members across the country I was reminded of just how interesting my family background is. Today was one of those days when you think to yourself "can I get voted off this island." We don't get to chose our family members which reminds me of a joke that said, " God gave us pets to make up for our family."

Those words. "Love made you mine" have been embedded in my heart since I was 14 years old and have sustained me even till this day.I have battled rejection in my family mostly because of the love poured out on me from a woman who was my rock when no one wanted me. I continue to stand on that love and am so thankful that when she got on her knees she made sure I was next to her. We all desire a human touch, but we are blessed to know when man turns his back on you and slanders your name we have a heavenly Father.

Another glitch in graduate school enrollment but I am not stressed at all because it will work out in my favor.I am very excited about partnering with friend's Adriane and Charles Casnel for some new marketing projects. They both are very gifted and I'm so proud to be working with them again. I have been praying for divine relationships and this partnership is one of them. Adrienne and I are both born on Januray 19th, and are like minded and those are the kinds of partners you want.

Today, I press forward to the higher calling of what God has destined me to do knowing it will bless others and me and my family in the process.

A prophet is not honored in his own home

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Putting St. Patrick Back In St. Patrick's Day

This prayer is often called "St. Patrick's Breastplate" because of those parts of it which seek God's protection. It is also sometimes called "The Deer's Cry" or "The Lorica". I heard this prayer read several year ago and researched the history of St.Patrick. It's a constant reminder to me of the real foundation this holiday was founded on.

I arise today
Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity,
Through the belief in the threeness,
Through confession of the oneness
Of the Creator of Creation.

I arise today
Through the strength of Christ's birth with his baptism,
Through the strength of his crucifixion with his burial,
Through the strength of his resurrection with his ascension,
Through the strength of his descent for the judgment of Doom.

I arise today
Through the strength of the love of Cherubim,
In obedience of angels,
In the service of archangels,
In hope of resurrection to meet with reward,
In prayers of patriarchs,
In predictions of prophets,
In preaching of apostles,
In faith of confessors,
In innocence of holy virgins,
In deeds of righteous men.

I arise today

Through the strength of heaven:
Light of sun,
Radiance of moon,
Splendor of fire,
Speed of lightning,
Swiftness of wind,
Depth of sea,
Stability of earth,
Firmness of rock.

I arise today

Through God's strength to pilot me:
God's might to uphold me,
God's wisdom to guide me,
God's eye to look before me,
God's ear to hear me,
God's word to speak for me,
God's hand to guard me,
God's way to lie before me,
God's shield to protect me,
God's host to save me
From snares of devils,
From temptations of vices,
From everyone who shall wish me ill,
Afar and anear,
Alone and in multitude.

I summon today all these powers between me and those evils,
Against every cruel merciless power that may oppose my body and soul,
Against incantations of false prophets,
Against black laws of pagandom
Against false laws of heretics,
Against craft of idolatry,
Against spells of witches and smiths and wizards,
Against every knowledge that corrupts man's body and soul.

Christ to shield me today
Against poison, against burning,
Against drowning, against wounding,
So that there may come to me abundance of reward.

Christ with me, Christ before me, Christ behind me,
Christ in me, Christ beneath me, Christ above me,
Christ on my right, Christ on my left,
Christ when I lie down, Christ when I sit down, Christ when I arise,
Christ in the heart of every man who thinks of me,
Christ in the mouth of everyone who speaks of me,
Christ in every eye that sees me,
Christ in every ear that hears me.

I arise today

Through a mighty strength, the invocation of the Trinity,
Through belief in the threeness,
Through confession of the oneness,
Of the Creator of Creation

Amen, and so be it.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

I Own My Dreams

Day 331: “If success is not on your own terms, if it looks good to the world but does not feel good to your soul, it is not success as all.” – Anna Quindlen. You will have to overcome some naysayers to achieve your dreams and realize that everyone who you think is for you is not. If your dream is really your dream (and I own mine) it may seem inconceivable to more than a few people.

While tackling research today to present some marketing opportunities to a client I was in conversation with some colleagues. Several of them didn't know I had left my last position as Vice-President of Development & Marketing to pursue my business. When I shared what I was doing their response could have sent me into doubt and scrambling for a head hunter. Believe me when I tell you I’m operating in reality, but I refuse to put any boundaries on what God will do through me.

I’ve been reading off and on John Maxwell’s book “Put your Dreams to the Test” and one of his chapter’s test questions is on ownership of your dreams. It asked the following questions; 1. What would I do if I had no limitations. 2. What would I do if I had only five years to live. 3. What would I do if I had unlimited resources 4 What would I do if I could not fail. These will serve as my challenge questions for the week.

Motivational Speaker Les Brown, has provided me with some great insght into living your best life. However, I stopped listening to him for awhile because he told Gladys Knight while they were married, she was as a great speaker. Thus, she talked more at her concerts than sang and I totally blamed

Anyway, in his book “Love Your Dreams” he suggests you ask yourself these four questions; 1. What are my gifts 2. What are the five things I like about myself? 3. What people make me feel special 4. What moment of personal triumph do I remember? Les believes these questions increase a person’s self approval. He also says, “We should go after our dreams like our life depends on it, because it does.”

I totally realized after those conversations that my life does depend on me going after my dreams like my life depends on it. If not now- when- never! Everyday I’m closer to starting grad school, in fact I’m 12 days and counting. Everyday, I’m closer to earning a nice financial bonus with my ZamZuu business and everyday I’m closer to getting a major project that will jump start my business and allow me to publish my magazine.

Every journey towards a dream is personal, and as a result, so is the price that must be paid for it. You might as well Dream Big because it will cost you.

Monday, March 15, 2010

Getting To YES

Day 332: Persistence- What if the bank president refused to make me a loan? This was nothing. He might even lecture me on the folly of taking a loan for the purpose for which I was seeking it. That made no difference to me; simply meant that I must look elsewhere until I got what I wanted.”- John D. Rockefeller. These words should resonate in the spirit of every entrepreneurial who ever thought about giving up.

My car is shot and I’ve decided I cannot put anymore money into it. I think I have to finally let go of the Jaguar brand and on to something else. The financing is tricky because I’m no longer tied to a paycheck and it’s kind of funny to me. I could fill the young man who is trying to pre-approve me getting anxious as I remained calm. I’m clear that I will get the car I want based on my terms and the above statement by Rockefeller reinforced it.

I have been in the “zone” all day and as I write I’m finishing up listening to a leadership training Webinar. It’s been super productive as I’ve exposed people to my business and completed a major proposal. I’m going to do some sit ups before I hit the sheets because I promised my body I would love on it everyday.

If I look at life only through natural eyes, I would see my car, laptop and grad school enrollment in jeopardy and not any checks. Yet, a governing principle of life is that everything has a door, an entrance. In daily life every wrong report needs a door, every threat needs a door, and every wrong spirit that comes must have a door in order to successfully affect you. Instead of opening it, possess it! Covenant blessing and inheritance includes doors—possession of them with authority to open and close them.

I took authority over my spiritual and natural house today and closed the door on anything that did not belong in my life. In other words, everything in my path today was about getting to a YES. I spoke it into the atmosphere and I believe that I receive it.

Yes, Yes, Yes and then Yes!

You Are About To Go On Display

Day 333: "Now (in Haran) the Lord said to Abram, Go for yourself (for your own advantage) away from your country, from your relatives and your father's house to a land that I will show you.” Genesis 12:1.” So Abram departed, as the Lord had directed him; and Lot (his nephew) went with him. Abram was seventy-five years old when he left Haran.” Genesis 12:5. Bishop Neil Ellis from the Bahamas brought the word today from Genesis 12 & 13. It was powerful and l wanted to share and expand on the nuggets with you.

Later in the text you see that Abram was exceedingly rich in livestock and in silver and in gold. The land could not nourish and support so they could not dwell together, for their possessions were too great for them to live together. Then strife broke out between the herdsman of Abram and Lot. So Abram begged Lot to leave and offered him first choice of what land he wanted.

The nugget for the day is that God wants your Attention, Loyalty and Obedience. Abram was partially obedient which is why he had problems with his nephew. He was told to get away from his relatives and therefore Lot should not have been with him. The question for the day is who is your Lot? Who are you still holding on to and trying to take to that new place God has planned for you? If you want to see God blow your mind then you have got to step away for familiarity.

I'm constantly telling myself when God brought the Israelites out of Egypt He did not leave their children behind. I remind myself of this daily as I work to take my hands off of my children lives. I need to get on with what has been planned for my life even before I was formed in my mother’s womb. I have a divine assignment which will not be fully released to me until I let go of my Lot. If you have a person in your life who always has to be the teacher and can never receive from you then she/he is a Lot.

The past two weeks, have been full of distractions and I've not been spending the quality time in my prayers, mediation and study. I know God is missing our time together and saying” what about me.” He hardly ever gives you all the details of what He has for your life or how He’s going to bless you at once. He usually gives you baby steps- so you’ve got to move to get the rest.

Sometime God hides you until the one who can afford you comes through the door. The eye-opener of this is truly unfolding for me that it's my time to be put on display. The walk of complete Attention, Loyalty and Obedience to God is not an easy one. God stopped talking to Abram the minute he allowed Lot to go with him.

“The Lord said to Abram after Lot had left him. Lift up your eyes and look from the place where you are, northward and southward and eastward and westward. For all the land which you see I will give to you and to your posterity forever. And I will make your descendants like the dust of the earth, so that if a man could count the dust of the earth, then could your descendants also be counted.” Genesis 13: 14-16. God starts to speak again the minute Lot left.

So who is Lot? Anyone who is attached to you and preventing you from hearing God. Anything, that takes up your time and keeps you off goal and destiny. Lot is anyone or anything that prevents you from seeing and walking through new open doors.

God is getting ready to put me on display!

Saturday, March 13, 2010

You Just Don’t Wanna Know

Day 334: “I have forgiven myself; I’ll make a change. Once that forgiveness has taken place you can console yourself with the knowledge that a diamond is the result of extreme pressure. Pressure can change you into something quite precious, quite wonderful, quite beautiful and extremely hard.”-- Maya Angelou. She has not only written some of my most favorite poems but she has made perceptive statements that resonate with my spirit.

I threw myself into cleaning my house today as a way to get my mind off of financial concerns (entrepreneurship) and to keep myself in a place of gratefulness. A girlfriend (who will remain nameless- for her own sake) called today and I was excited because I needed to share with her some of the things that were weighing on my mind.

Yet, her conversation was very short and only about me coming to a Bon Voyage Brunch for one of her newly acquired friends. She sensed my disappointment and tried to prolong the call but I was done. I needed to hang up so I would not go into a tirade about how easily she calls people her friends. She is a super sweet spirit but is easily enamored with titles and a person’s perceived station in life.

As I went back to cleaning I was reminded of a conversation my Dad once had with me. He said, “Rita, you have this preconceived notion about what a father should be, and I don’t have to be what you want me to be.” His statement cut like a knife but it was the beginning of this life long struggle to be comfortable with that realization about him and people period. I'm continually challenged with the reality that the people I hold dearest to me won't always treat me equitable. And that does not make them a bad person, nor does it make me a victim.

Sometime last year, I bought Marvin Winans CD “Alone But Not Alone” and I for some reason could not get into it. However, after seeing him and hearing his music in the Tyler Perry movie, “I Can Do Bad All By Myself,” I took another listen. Now it’s on my IPod and I can’t stop listening to it. My favorite song is “You Just Don’t Wanna Know.” He explained that he wrote it during a difficult time in his life. He had this one instance where a person who had always said, “If you ever need anything or just want to get away call me.” When he did reach out the person had all these excuses and was not there for him.

“I hurt so many nights.” The subliminal message in this song is that we have to really care about each other and we need one another. The Bible says,"the strong ought to bear the infirmities of the weak.” So often, people hide how they feel because they are uncertain of the acceptance of the revelation after they share what they feel. It’s so important to have the ability to come to someone to say you’re hurting or you need something …today it was just an ear.

I am a Diamond, precious, wonderful, beautiful but not hard.

You Just Don’t Wanna Know

I hurt so many nights
Cried so many hours
Trying to make it right
Just didn't have the power
You ignored all of my tears
In hopes they'd disappear
I tried to let it show

But I guess
You just don't wanna know

I came to you in love
I came to you in earnest
Could you possibly explain?
Why the flames, why the furnace?
Just needing to get it clear
I was hoping you would hear
I tried to let it go


Now it's true
That God is always there
He said he'd never leave
But at times
The human touch
Is what I need
And if I had a dime
For every time
I tried to call your name
Some tell me
I'd be wealthy

But I learned that I could cope
I discovered I could make it
In nights so long and cold
So cold, you don't know how cold
I learned that I could take it
Now I wouldn't change a thing
Not for the knowledge
Not for the knowledge
That I've gained

I learned that I could grow
I really did
I tried to let it show
I did, I tried to let it go

Friday, March 12, 2010

Day 335: Maya Angelou: 'Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away." All day long I've received the most wonderful emails from dozens of my Leadership Atlanta Classmates that could not make the reunion. This resulted in a serge of memories and special moments remembered that took my breath away.

Topping that off was lunch with my friend Luci Reed catching up over burgers and walking in the rain. I have literally been glued to my computer working most of the day and I'm over tired. Last night, was barbacue and today burgers so I won't need to eat the rest of the weekend. I really need to find a way to get in bed earlier and to the My body is Screaming rejuvenate me and so it's off to bed I go.

Lord, I thank you for this day, my daily bread and for the new mercies You granted on my behalf.

Tonight, represents 30 days of straight blogging...I love sharing.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

1995 Was A Good Year

Day 336- "And one of the great liabilities of life is that all to many people find themselves living amid a great period of social change and yet they fail to develop the new attitudes, the new mental response that the new situation demands. They end up sleeping through the revolution." - Dr. Martin Luther King "Remaining Awake Through a Great Revolution" sermon.

Back in 1995, sixty people were strategically selected to be a part of Leadership Atlanta's class of 1995. Tonight, 20 of us would come together to celebrate with a 15 year reunion dinner. The above quote seemed fitting as the majority of us experienced a life changing social shift during this year together.

We went around the room and all shared what they had been doing since the class got together five years ago. A common theme echoed throughout was how the experience of going through Leadership Atlanta had changed their life. Especially, Race Relations Day which was taught by a pioneer of social change Dr. C.T. Vivian.

Another heart thummper was that over half of those in attendance had been married for over 25 years. I salute , Greg Stone & his wife of 47 years, Steve & Candy 35 years, Joyce Fleming & her husband 29 years, Ralph Levy and his wife 42 years. I don't remember every one's dates but can you feel how extraordinary these men and women are? How blessed am I to be counted as one of them.

I salute, Greg Stone & wife of 47 years, Steve & Candy Berman 35 years, Joyce Fleming & her husband 29 years, Ralph Levy and his wife 42 years. I don't remember every one's dates but can you feel how extraordinary these men and women are? What a strong testimony to the institution of marriage.

Dr. Arnie Rubenstein was the oldest gentlemen present a 70 years old. He looked marvelous and his words were both eloquent and gracious. I salute, Chuck & Missy Wolf for opening up their beautiful home to us. Salute, Frank McCloskey, who has been at Georgia Power for 37 years and Ralph Levy, King & Spalding for 36 years.

Thank you Barbra Kaufman, Aida Flamn, Sallie Daniels, Frank McCloskey and Chuck Wolf for helping to bring this reunion to life it was the best.

Thank all of you for the genuine love shown tonight and for coming out;, Steve Berman, Regina Crothers, Sallie Daniel, Aida, Flamn, Joyce Fleming, Jack Halpern, Barbara Babbit Kaufman, Michael Kennedy, Steve Labovitz, Ralph Levy, Frank McCloskey, Adrienne Mims, Elena Merino, Janet Rechtman, Arnie Rubenstein, Debi Starnes, Greg Stone, Lynda Walker, Dexter Warrior, and Chuck Wolf. To those of you who wanted to be there but couldn’t’, you were missed. Especially you- Yolanda Cheatam, friend, soror and college classmate.

To the three we lost during these 15 years, Ricky Rowe, Beth Zoffman, an last week Lisa Tunnell may you rest in peace.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Are You Coachable?

Day 337- Influence doesn't come to us instantaneously. It grows in stages. If your life in any way connects with other people, you are an Influencer. - John Maxwell. The thing you have to remember is your influence is not equal with all people. Your influence is either positive or negative. Yet, the most rewarding influence you'll ever have is helping other people become influencers.

According to John Maxwell's book "Becoming a Person of Influence" the highest level of influence you can achieve is that of multiplication. That's when you pass on what you've learned to others and they pass it on. To be able to pass on what you've learned in your business, ministry or motherhood to another they first have to be Coachable. Are you willing to set aside everything you think you know to receive success coaching from someone who's already where you're trying to get? Even when I answer yes, it's still hard as heck when you're a person of influence in your own right.

Today was all out wonderful and I feel very accomplished. I'm committed to giving God something to work with everyday. Last night, Coach Tomer the founder of YTB was hosting an intimate session with some of the business owners. He said, “you and God make a majority" -that'll preach.

I feel as though, I 'm seeing life out of New eyes. Yes, I'm seeing the New and everyday it get brighter and brighter. I've given myself permission to succeed in the New.


Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Be True to your Self

Day 338 "-This above all; to thine own self be true, and it must follow, as the night the day, thous cast not then be false to any man." -Shakespeare

Tonight, I salute Shedrick White, my success coach in our E-Commerce business ZamZuu on becoming the first new Director.

Shedrick is a gentle giant who has selfishly dedicated the last four years of his life to building new leaders. I use this space to say thank you for the tireless efforts and many seeds planted into my life.

Salute' Salute'

Monday, March 8, 2010

Women are Changing the World

Day 339- “Winners expect to win in advance. Life is a self-fulfilling prophecy.” And the Oscar goes to Mo’Nigue and Kathryn Bigelow.

Today is International Women’s Day and is set aside to commemorate the achievements of women in politics, science and social change. The Huffington Post is one of my favorite places to get the news and today they featured 11 extraordinary women. I want to share 5 of them with you and hope you will seek to know more about them and their work on your own. These women are examples of the kinds of stories Rita O magazine will seek out in our quest to produce a work dedicated to purpose.

Yemeni girl Nujood Ali was 10 years old when she was forced to marry a man over 20 years her senior. She managed to find a lawyer and achieve a divorce, making her an international heroine in the fight for women's rights in the Middle East. She's now a bestselling author -- her autobiography, "I Am Nujood, Age 10 and Divorced," is available now.

Somali model Waris Dirie revealed in the late 1990s that she had undergone genital mutilation and has since actively campaigned against the practice. She's established several foundations, one focusing on women's rights and dignity around the world, the other working to raise awareness about female genital mutilation.

With her award-winning play "The Vagina Monologues," Eve Ensler has been a leader in the global movement to end violence against women. Currently, Ensler's nonprofit organization V-Day is building a rehabilitation center for women affected by war and sexual violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Kathryn Bigelow's influence has extended far beyond "The Hurt Locker." This Academy Award winning director has consistently pushed the boundaries of action filmmaking and explored the nature of violence in the movies. She is the first woman ever to win the Oscar for Best Director.

Somaly Mam was sold into sex slavery as child in Cambodia in the 1970s. After years of being raped daily and witnessing horrific atrocities, she escaped her captors and vowed to never forget what she saw. Today, her foundation seeks to free victims of human trafficking and end worldwide slavery.

We are continually faced by great opportunities brilliantly disguised as insoluble problems.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Divine Connections

Day 340- The people who get on in the world are the people who get up and look for the circumstance they want, and if they can't find them, make them"- George Bernard Shaw. Got in early this morning from my road trip and woke up so very happy to see a new day. Today, I get another chance to be pleasing in His sight and that is a good thing.

The worship was amazing today and Trent Corey ushered in the presence of God. The message blessed me as the nugget from it was about meeting a divine connection in the coming days. It was a right on time word for me as it is exactly what I need.

Served in the marketing ministry of New Birth Bible Institute and I found out today that I love it. I was doing recruiting and talking to people after church about enrolling into classes. I met some really cool people and was able to be an extension of the ministry by passing the love.

Our new vision for our church is to Love Like Him, Live Like Him, and Lead Like Him. It was so good being a hugging ambassador to all the people I interacted with. Some of those I met were visiting from Houston and Ohio and I was their last touch. Knowing they went home with a demonstration of the the "Love like Him." was the best part of my day.

My friend Shirley cooked dinner for me and treated me like I was her special guest even though we're just family to each other. Going to finish watching the Oscar's and working on my plan and objectives for next week.

I've got some aggressive goals and I've given my accountability partner permission to call me into check if I get off course. Please pray that I am in the right place at the right time for my divine connection.

Alabama Eye Opener

Day 341-Merely going to church doesn’t make you a Christian any more than going to a garage makes you an automobile. There were many eye openers as we moved through three cities in the mostly unlikely state for dreams.

There was a validation of the call to speak into the lives of women and it gave me a quiet high. Quiet because I felt like God had winked at me and given me a hug and a push.

The trip gave me a closer look at my teammates and where I fitted in and where I didn’t. As I come more in touch with the person I am becoming I’m getting more delivered from people. People can put false expectations on you because of what they need and sell it to you as something you need.

Riding home and thinking about my bed and learning to enjoy the journey.

Peace a and Blessings….

Give Him something to work with

Day 342- There is no thrill in easy sailing when the skies are clear and blue, there's no joy in merely doing things which anyone can do. But there is some satisfaction that is mighty sweet to take, when you reach a destination that you thought you’d never make."-Spirella.

Earlier I had a conversation with a dear friend and catching her up on my life’s current events. During our talk she stated, "all God requires of us is to give him something to work with." Wow! This comment stayed with me all day up until this writing. Ironically, for the last couple of weeks I have been asking myself “what do I have in my hands to work with?”

During the ride to Alabama I had this staggering Ah-ha moment which literally took the wind out of my sail. Around 2006, I was really struggling with what I was supposed to be doing with my life. Then I heard someone say, “if you ask God He will give you a glimpse of what He’s going to do through you.” During prayer time in the closet on my face He gave me a glimpse and in the vision was a magazine.

Well, I have been trying to help God move His agenda along ever since. As we were riding along I was reading a training script and received a revelation that I needed to overcome my fear of asking for what I want. In other words, He can not bring those divine connections that I pray for if I never step outside of me. You see, sometimes we’re waiting for God to do something and He’s waiting for us.

I know exactly the steps I should be taking now and I’m going to totally black out and become razor focused on my ZamZuu E-commerce business and finishing my first book. I hear my own self saying, “you’ve said that before.” Yes, I have and the difference this time is I really want to give God something to work with.

Lord bless me, and cause Your Face to shine upon me, that Your way may be known upon the earth and Your saving health among all nations, Let my land yield increase, and let the ends of the earth fear You. Psalm 67:1

Getting out of my own way…

Thursday, March 4, 2010

21 Days and it’s a Habit

Day 343- For those men who, sooner or later, are lucky enough to break away from the pack, the most intoxicating moment comes when they cease being bodies in other men’s command and find they control their own time, when they learn their own voice and authority. -Theodore White. It’s officially a habit or better yet a testament of what happens if you can keep up anything for 21- straight days. Yes, we’ve crossed the critical threshold of being committed to something that can transform lives.

Skyy Julia had a difficult night with a high temperature and little sleep was gotten last night. We were back to the doctor this morning and I’m happy to report she is feeling better tonight. I'm thankful I will be on the road tomorrow speaking in Alabama away from so many distractions.

It will be a good time to map out my March strategy since we're already four days into the month. I decided to turn the phones off and all social media for a couple of days. I need to focus on what new doors to walk through. Still working on getting all my paperwork done for graduate school. Things are moving forward very positively except for having to circle back to Clark Atlanta who sent an unofficial document for my transcript.

Clark Atlanta is still close to my heart but this episode with the registrars office is incredulous and not a signal of excellence. However, after receiving my video for enrollment from Full Sail University I’m even more energized about getting started. I’m about to shut everything down for tonight so I can spend quality time meditating on the word and in His presence.

Being confident of this very thing, that He who has begun a good work in you will complete it until the day of Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:6

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Unleashing the Power of a Woman

Day 344-“It’s easy to be independent when you’ve got money. But to be independent when you haven’t got a thing- that the Lord’s test.” – Mahalia Jackson, Heart Full of Grace. Today, I stood on the shoulders of all the women who came before me. My granddaughter Skyy Julia has a viral infection contracted in Daycare. She stayed home with me today because she’s contagious and she needed the nurturing of her Mimi.

Because she couldn't’t keep anything on her stomach I was up and down all day trying to keep her cleaned up. In the midst of trying to do some work on- line she crawled up beside me and laid her head on my shoulder. It was at that moment that I gave thanks to God that I could be there for her today. Holding her close to me reminded me why making it as an entrepreneur is so vitally important to the legacy I want to leave for her.

I must admit last night I had a melt down after posting my blog as the weight of getting back up from disappointment loomed over me. Tonight, I was speaking with one of my business partners in my ZamZuu business and I heard how focused she was. She’s a single mom raising three children, working full-time, getting her PhD and working her residual income business on the side. Yet, she‘s looking to me for leadership and expecting me to make it.

I have been blessed with wonderful gifts that others around me can see better than myself. While I was being grandmother, working on tasks, mentoring a woman friend a fire was lit under me again. There is so much in me and yet I get paralyzed because of the cash flow. I get stuck on what I don’t have to accomplish the things I want to do. Instead of daily making it my business to ask for what I need.

However God chooses to bless me, be it through business partners, angle investors or one project at a time I’m staying true to my business plan. I don’t have time to be paralyzed and waddle in how difficult walking out Act 2 of my life is. Too many phenomenal women have been a bridge for me to walk over to not keep it moving. Love lies at the core of everything I want to do for my family and women all over the world.

I believe there are two kinds of people in the world, people who make things happen, and other people.

[I would have lost heart], unless I had believed That I would see the goodness of the LORD In the land of the living. Psalm 27:13

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

The Character Test

Day 345- Nearly all men can stand adversity, but if you want to test a man’s character, give him power. My potential investors have been ghost since our initial meeting last week. Today was our follow up meeting and they went silent all day. Since I’ve already been down this road recently with a potential client I recognized the signs. Yet, I remain perplexed as to why in each situation I was the one being sought out?

What is it about me that says its okay to seek me out as a business partner and then when the time comes to pull the trigger and seal the deal you go missing? Do I bring these situations on myself because I don’t have discernment of the characters I’m dealing with? Admittedly, I try to see the best in others and tend to get amnesia even when a person has revealed their true self before.

At the end of the day this is all about Character. Character needs no epitaph. You can bury a man, but character will beat the hearse back from the graveyard. Surely he will never be shaken; a righteous man will be remembered forever.-Psalm 112:6 The people in your past are just that, people in the past, so why let them keep you from all the wonderful people in your future? Somehow because I called these people friend I assumed they would treat me the same way I would have treatd them if I were the person in power.

It has made me search deep within my soul for answers about myself and those occupying a place in my space. A friend told me the other day that Benjamin Franklin failed 100 times before he mastered his first invention. Benjamin Franklin actually said, “I did not fail, I just found 100 ways to do it wrong.”

“I do not believe in failure. It is not failure if you enjoyed the process.” – Oprah Winfrey

The lesson for today- Be your own hero- you're then less likely to be disappointed.

Monday, March 1, 2010

It's not about you

Day 346- "It is one of the most beautiful compensations of this life that no man can sincerely try to help another without helping himself."- Ralph Waldo Emerson As you know, this blog was started because of the profound way in which the movie Julia & Julie inspired me. I was moved by Julia Powell and her commitment to take on a 365 day challenge that ultimately transformed her life.

I'm in the process of writing a book titled "Just Do You" in a personal quest to release a lifetime of pleasing other people. I felt very strongly that I needed to get this book written, published and to market. I reasoned that this vehicle would enable me to get on the speaking circuit quicker.

Who knew this blog that was started to change my own life is now blessing women around the country. Please don't be fooled by the small numbers you see as followers. Women and men alike are reading and sharing that it is touching them in a special way. I only share this to let you know what we go through in life is “not about us." I know one day I will stand before thousands proclaiming to them “when you think you can’t- just keep moving forward- and getting up.”

All day long I’ve had to encourage myself to keep pushing and not look at what appears to be obstacles in front of me. I have to keep working as though I already have investors in my business. This walk is what faith in action looks like and I’m calling those things into being as though they already were.

The highest reward for a person’s toil is not what they get for it, but what they become by it. Today, I take pause to ponder what I will look like and how many lives will be touched through the transition to Day 1.

The race is not to the swift, Nor the battle to the strong, Nor bread to the wise, Nor riches to men of understanding, Nor favor to men of skill; But time and chance happen to them all.
(Ecclesiastes 9:11 NKJV)