Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Passing Over Opportunities Repeadly=POOR

Day 316: “He who refuses to embrace a unique opportunity loses the prize as surely as if he had failed’’- James Chance. I literally sat at the computer for over 7 hours today as I was willed and determined to get a proposal into my client. While my eyes burned, back hurt and I had not eaten all day the finished product was wonderful.

The Mac Book Pro came today and I was too swamped to spend time getting to now it. I did fire it up toward the end of the day just to take a peak. I am so supper happy to on the cutting edge of technology and I have orientation tomorrow and class. Tonight I hosted my first Webinar and I think I did a really good job and surprised myself. I was a little disappointed in the response from the guest I had on the phone.

The question was asked does it make sense to get paid on things you are doing anyway? Answer, Yes. Question, is there anyplace you see yourself losing in this business? Answer, No.

Then why do we then want to go and do more research? I asked one of my guest if she researched Walmart before she went shopping with them. She actually said, Yes. I continue to be in awe of how we as a people- Black folks repeatedly pass over opportunities. For sure, the business I'm in is not for everyone. It's not even that it's just, it's more our mindset is so very makes you go ummm.

Can"t get stuck in traffic got to keep it moving. Note to self-all the doors are open and everyone can't go through the doors I'm going through- they don't fit.