Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Listen from within- your heart knows the way

I’ve been counting down the days to Pentecost, which represents harvest. It has been an amazing forty-nine days of transition for me. I’ve dropped some physical weight, and a lot of the things I’d allowed to weigh me down. So many times we know in our heart the things we should do but because the heart is deceitful and desperately wicked we do what we should not.

I can’t even begin to describe the creative flow I’ve been in today. I awoke with a deep sense of anticipation and was flooded with gratitude. I don’t’ know about you but I’ve come such a long way in these last six-months and I’m simply grateful for the growth.

Even though I believe everything we need to be successful and walk out our destiny is already within us I get stuck. I get stuck waiting for the benefactor to show up to launch my business to the next level. I get stuck with thinking I have to pay for everything instead of using the incredible favor I have with some of the most gifted people in this world. But today, the heart spoke and I moved.

Today I felt my heart smiling back at me because it feels me moving from the inside out. My movements have been very deliberate as I’ve been doing a brain dump all day and transferring my vision to paper. IF the vision is ever to come to life it has to be written down on paper so when others see it they can help you run with it.

One of my favorite sayings is, “ Life is not measured by the breaths we take but the moments that take your breath away.” This day will mark many pivotal moments when my breath was taken away because I was caught up in destiny. Destiny is beating in tune with my heart-felt passion to change the world.