Thursday, February 18, 2010

Favor isn't Fair

Day 358- Each day when I pray I ask the Lord for His favor, uncommon favor, supernatural favor, favor that isn't fair ( I really say ain’t fair- just keeping it real). This is my fourth month being an entrepreneur and there's been very little income generated from my efforts. Yet, I can see the hand of favor on my life as I replaced fretting and anxiety for rest and trust.

Today, I sat with my account and we had a beautiful spiritual exchange. I told her, I blogged about her yesterday and she laughed and promised to do better. Everywhere the soles of my feet touched today I experienced favor. God has placed me on the minds of people who want to give me gifts and sow into my life. I have this feeling inside of me that there is a great breakthrough about to happen in my life.

The favor of God is “like dew on the grass” (Prov. 19:12). Favor means pleasure, desire, delight, to be pleased with or favorable toward something. When God is pleased with us, His favor rests on us. Favor is very similar to grace and to glory. When we respond to the sovereign hand of God, He begins to drop down on us His favor. His favor can cause us to accomplish things on the earth and give us access to places that we did not previously have access to.

I barely slept last night as I worked on my rewriting my mission and vision for the magazine. My godson sent me a Rita O magazine logo this morning about 5:00 am that he had worked on. It was creatively edgy and opened up my spiritual eyes to see the magazine in the hands and hearts of women around the world.

Yesterday, I read a quote from Steve Jobs of Apple who said, “when you find something that you love, you won’t have to be pushed. The vision will push you. Being a leading voice for women is truly a calling on my life and giving birth to this baby inside of me is an extraordinary journey. Dew is not permanent you know. It comes in the calm of the night and evaporates by morning. So, we must keep going from glory to glory.

Speak life into your situation today and know that Favor isn’t fair.


Cyncere said...

Speaking Favor today and everyday! LOL!