Thursday, April 1, 2010

It Was All About Me Today

Day 315: Peacefulness is an inner sense of calm - it comes from becoming still in order to reflect and meditate on our inner wisdom and receive answers. A peaceful heart is one that is free from worry and trouble. It's becoming quiet so we can look at things quietly so we can more clearly understand them and thus come up with creative solutions. It is learning to live in the present.

As soon as I got off an early morning call with my client I knew I needed to turn my attention on me. I made a light healthy breakfast, got some emails out and headed for Piedmont Park for a 3 mile walk.( had great praise & worship) I spent seven hours straight on my computer yesterday getting a proposal out and I woke up with my eyes hurting.

I've been burning the midnight oil into the wee hours of the morning and my body was not happy with me once again. I’ve got a short term goal in sight and I want to look fabulous when I take a road trip next month. As well, I have my very first paying speaking engagement and I’m very psyched about it.

My new Mac Book Pro is so refreshing and I have so much to learn before I am proficient in using it.Didn't get through orientation though and will have to be on it tomorrow. I'm going to Benny Hinn's anointing service tomorrow and I can't wait to see what the Lord will do. Then on Saturday, I'm going to Passion City which I hear is totally amazing.

This is a Holy weekend and I want to stay in a place of gratefulness and humility as we remember the price our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ paid for us.

50 Straight Days of blogging- wow. Jubilee!