Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I'm most Grateful

January 19, 2011: "Take the sandals from your feet, for the place where you stand is holy ground", said the Lord to Moses.-Exodus 3:5

As the day draws to a close I'm humbled by the love and well wishes I received for my birthday. I spent most of the day working but did have time to sit back and reflect over how far I've come since last year.

There is a peaceful sense that I am more in control of my life and more committed to spreading the good news of Jesus Christ than ever before. I'm not completely sure what platform that will play itself out in but I'm surrendered to whatever His will is for my life. Many doors have closed and I'm able to see much clearer now as I move daily towards divine alignment.

I'm most grateful for the daily humility that is now defining my walk in life and the closeness of my children. Watching the firceness of my granddaughter is full of daily doses of laughter.

I'm most grateful to be allowed to see this day and know that I've lived a life that has been filled with helping others. That I'm able to laugh at myself, admit when I'm wrong or have wronged another and ask for forgiveness.

I'm most grateful that I am in a personal relationship with the true and living God, that He knows my name, He answers me before I speak, He calls me friend and that He is the lifter of my head.

Happy Birthday, Rita Love