Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Figting For What I belive

Day 218:"Believe that with your feelings and your work you are taking part in the greatest; the more strongly you cultivate this belief, the more will reality and the world go forth from it."- Rainer Maria Rilke

We have to be careful how we allow distractions and noise to enter our lives as they are designed to get us off course and destiny. You can be walking along and minding your own business and all of a sudden the big bad wolf shows up ready to eat your lunch. How do we stay focused and keep the mission we say we're own ever present? Sometimes it will require that you turn off the television and the telephone. It might even mean that you have to let some people go.

What it really gets down to is how bad do you want it. If you really want it then are you willing to fight for it? Fight for the right to have a voice when you know you're right and you know you have the answer. Fight to save your children from people and things that don't fit. How about fighting just to live the best life you know God intended for you.

Of course, the biggest fight you may ever face is the one you'll have with yourself. There will be an hour somewhere in the midnight hour when doubt will creep in and get snugly as it tries to smother you with unbelief. Sound like, "maybe I'm not suppose to be an entrepreneur." "What if this doesn't work and I have to face all of the folks who didn't think I could do it anyway." What about all those who said,"if you ever need anything just let me know but aren't around when you need them?

When you know that you've been given a destiny that will touch other people's lives you have to be prepared to fight to continue on. Fight to see destiny and vision through. Fight when the contract doesn't come through and pick yourself back up and go on. You got to believe in the call on your life so much that no matter how many times you fall you will get back up, and you will dust yourself off, and you will start again.

There are to many people waiting for me to get my business and magazine launch. How many other people's lives are attached to yours. Every time I hear about someone committing suicide it saddens and grieves me that they quite on life. When you fall and don't get back up it does not only effect your life but all of those who love you and have to go through it with you.

One of my son's friend's told me once that he said one of the things he loves about his mom is no matter what happens she always gets back on top. That's because I never quit. I don't care how hard it looks or even gets. Not even when friends turn their back on you or if you lose the car and the house. After all if God is for you who and what can be against you.

You've got to make a decision to get up and get back in the fight of life. omone else is depending on what you do today.