Day 263: Mankind must put an end to war before war puts an end to mankind."
John F. Kennedy
I give pause to remember all of the men. women and children that have died in our war's. I also gave pause to think about the active war's that our men and women are currently fighting. I pray they can all get home safety and back to their families and friends that love them. I pray that America will not forget to remember these men and women in their prayers everyday until they come home.
(Composed by Francis Scott Key, "In Defense of Fort McHenry" in September 1814. Congress proclaimed it the U.S. National Anthem in 1931 -- history follows.)
Oh, say, can you see, by the dawn's early light,
What so proudly we hailed at the twilight's last gleaming?
Whose broad stripes and bright stars, thru the perilous fight,
O'er the ramparts we watched, were so gallantly streaming?
And the rockets' red glare, the bombs bursting in air,
Gave proof through the night that our flag was still there.
O say, does that star-spangled banner yet wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave?
On the shore dimly seen through the mists of the deep,
Where the foe's haughty host in dread silence reposes,
What is that which the breeze, o'er the towering steep,
As it fitfully blows, half conceals, half discloses?
Now it catches the gleam of the morning's first beam,
In full glory reflected, now shines on the stream:
Tis the star-spangled banner: O, long may it wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
Flag draped from the roof of the Pentagon
And where is that band who so vauntingly swore
That the havoc of war and the battle's confusion
A home and a country should leave us no more?
Their blood has washed out their foul footsteps' pollution.
No refuge could save the hireling and slave
From the terror of flight or the gloom of the grave:
And the star-spangled banner in triumph doth wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave.
O, thus be it ever when freemen shall stand,
Between their loved home and the war's desolation!
Blest with victory and peace, may the heav'n-rescued land
Praise the Power that hath made and preserved us a nation!
Then conquer we must, when our cause. it is just,
And this be our motto: "In God is our trust"
And the star-spangled banner in triumph shall wave
O'er the land of the free and the home of the brave!
Monday, May 31, 2010
We are at War abroad and at Home
Posted by Rita Love at 10:33 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Things don't always go the way you planned
Day 264: "Too many people overvalue what they are not and undervalue what they are. ~Malcolm S. Forbes Sometimes things don't go the way you planned and we have a high propensity to just give up.
I can't begin to tell you how many times I have attempted something or thought I was headed down the right path only to hit a dead end. Some of the time I have been stunned and moved on and other times I got stuck. Getting stuck can be crippling and the longer you stay down the easier it is for the world to count you out.
I spent twelve of the thirteen year's I was married in Lakeland Florida and I thank God that I worked in New York 10 out of the those twelve months. While I was getting on a plan and being exposed to all things New York my then husband was sitting in Lakeland Florida his home town living out his paradise.
When I finally got him to come to New York for a long weekend all my vendor friends laid out the red carpet for us. It only served to intimidate him and he found fault with every moment. I didn't realize it then but he was stuck in fear of anything outside of his small town experience. The thought that there were people in my life that could put us up at the Ritz Carlton and then take us to their weekend home in the Hamptons played out in jealousy.
I could say my marriage didn't go as I had planned it. But they would not be true because I didn't have a plan when I married. Neither did my husband understand that the man is the head and not the tail. He only understood that he was a man and he was suppose to be in control of his home. But the problem was he did not understand what it meant to lead his family only how to control them with his fears. Our marriage didn't work out for many reasons but it certainly didn't end the way either thought it would.
I've been divorced for as long as I was married so it basically could be called a wash. It was a decision that I made and I repented to God and have never looked back. I stayed stuck in the relationship until I was sure I had exhausted every bit of me to make it work. The truth is it didn't work out because it was never ordained by God. This post really isn't about my failed marriage but more about how I pursue my future.
How many times do we venture off in directions and take on things that were never planned for our life? All weekend I've watched people taking risk and stepping out on faith and living out there dreams. If you don't have a vision for where you want your life to go then life will just go. You'll wake up one day without the hope you started out with.
Last week's "Coffee Shop" call by one of my business partners Demond Crump propelled me into a renewed mindset about my business. He talk about he Shane Mosley/Floyd Mayweather fight. He went on to exposed how he never liked Mayweather because of his perceived arrogance. But Mayweather gained his respect because he went the diastase even when it looked like the fight was over and Mosley had it in the bag. His point was, " you've got to get out of the locker room" and into the fight. Without faith its impossible to please God. I keep saying "faith is an action word." You cannot win the fight if you're in the locker room and not in the ring.
It's important to remember this that just because it work out the way you wanted it will go the way God ordained.
Habakkuk 2
1 I will climb up to my watchtower
and stand at my guardpost.
There I will wait to see what the Lord says
and how he[a] will answer my complaint.
The Lord’s Second Reply ( you need to stop watching and get to work)
2 Then the Lord said to me,
“Write my answer plainly on tablets,
so that a runner can carry the correct message to others.
3 This vision is for a future time.
It describes the end, and it will be fulfilled.
If it seems slow in coming, wait patiently,
for it will surely take place.
It will not be delayed.
Posted by Rita Love at 11:35 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Watching Friends Grow
Day 265: This has been an interesting week for friend's as some Ive not heard from in years have resurfaced. Even some that are right here in Atlanta with me but for various reason our paths don't allow us to see each other often.
My friend Carl came in from New York this week and we became business partners and spent hours today mapping our strategy. As we were working our mutual friend Dedie called from Paris to assure I was still coming to Guadalupe in August.
This week four of my college classmates whom I hung around with in college all resurfaced on Facebook and we're having a Rita and her four boys reunion next week. Linda is the first friend I made freshman year in college and she's been in my life over 30 years. She called and I was blessed by the peaceful place she now finds herself.
It was very cool to see my daughter attend an Events and Wedding Planner Conference today that my friend Robin Ware's agency put on. Robin use to babysit my daughter and now she's teaching her how to do something that she loves.
Gerald, his cousin Darrel ( who's deceased) and me use to golf and hang out during my Publix days. He came back into my life two weeks ago and on Friday we closed an incredible business deal that allows us to team up for the next three months. And to top off an amazing friend's week my sister friend Harriett is here from Maryland with her husband AJ getting their house in order and ready for them to move back to Georgia. How wonderful and happy we both are to be back in the same city with each other. She is my iron sharpens iron friend and I can't wait for our late night latte's and to plan our next international trip.
God is so very faithful and I'm continually amazed by his grace and mercy towards me. It fells like many things in my life are coming full circle. I believe that I'm about to hit my stride where in His word He declares, " you latter days will be better than your former days."
Posted by Rita Love at 11:52 PM 0 comments
Friday, May 28, 2010
10 Minutes Late
Day 266: It never ceases to amaze me how we as women treat each other. It does not pay to dumb yourself down ever to try and fit in with other people. This is something that I've found myself doing when I want to try and fit into other people's world.
Trust me when I tell you it's never worth it and every time you will live to regret putting yourself in that position. About six month ago, I left my hair salon of about 8 years to try a new stylist. Even though the salon is in the hood it's nice inside and all of the stylist do good work. Yes its gossip central and you can buy all sorts of bootleg merchandise on any given day. Yet they act like it's Salon Rodeo Drive with their arrogance but I kept going.
I received an invitation from a client to come out to a reception for the Atlanta Jazz Festival late in the day. Which is cool because I already had a 3:00 pm hair appointment. Atlanta traffic is always unpredictable and today it was bumper to bumper on holiday Friday. Knowing I would be about 10 minutes late I phoned into the salon to let them know. The receptionist told me she had to check in with the stylist to make sure it was okay. I in turn said, " are you kidding me?"
She came back with, "on any other day it would be alright but my stylist ( let me change that to the stylist I went to ) was by herself and having to do her own shampoos and wouldn't be able to take me." She offered to do my hair in the morning and I declined. I was really stunned by this because I kept thinking who does she really believe she is and how insensitive. I wanted to scream in the phone who are you people!
When you're out of your element other people recognize you're different. They never accept you they simply tolerate you. There's at least a dozen hair salon within a 3-5 mile radius of my home so I regrouped and said saylavee to my hood experience.
I love supporting small business and won't let this experience change the way I feel about that. What I do know is this stylist who is co-owner of the salon with her sister does not care that she lost me as a customer.
The problem- her not caring makes me sad.
Posted by Rita Love at 11:44 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 27, 2010
What is your mirror saying-back
Day 267:"History is apt to judge harshly those who sacrifice tomorrow for today." ~Harold MacMillan. Americans are not dying from starvation but of overeating because we refuse to do anything about it today. Tomorrow I will go on a diet, tomorrow I will go to the gym. Tomorrow, tomorrow I'll start taking care of me- on tomorrow.
It has been said, and I'm sure proven that it's easier to put weight on than to take weight off. Four out of the five day's this week I've been on the tracks walking about 5 miles. Every day I look in the mirror it seems as though I have so far to go. But I'm not focused on that as much as I'm committed to doing something everyday.
This message is not a pretty one but one that makes me sad because as obese as Americans are African American seem to have the market cornered. Almost everywhere I go I can see African American women who are overweight. The other day someone said, "you're not fat, you carry your weight well." That's called I don't want to hurt your feelings and I'm so glad first Lady Obama is raising awareness on childhood obesity.
I'm taking back control of my physical life one day at a time. Some day's are easier than others to work through. I remember my friend Ben one day ask me "when is enough enough" as it relates to taking control back.
I have sister friends who tell me they love who they are as a defense mechanism to not do anything about where they are. The hardest part is getting started. Maybe it's just drinking more water, or turning your plate down once a week. Women we just got to do something to get moving and moving now. I want to be around to healthy watch my grandchildren grow up, go to college and get married.
If you're mirror is telling you that doesn't look good then take it off. If your mirror is saying your butt is expanding and expanding it probably is.
If your mirror is saying, "darling you look fabulous" then you probably do.
Posted by Rita Love at 11:54 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
In Whom's Presence are you Energenzied
Day 268: All the breaks you need in life wait within your imagination, Imagination is the workshop of your mind, capable of turning mind energy into accomplishment and wealth."Napoleon Hill There are some people who are just people magnets. No matter where they find themselves in life they attract only the best.
Worked on projects for clients today and my Project Management class which is over on Tuesday and all I can say is ...yeah. Today was a winning day and though I had a very crazy conversation with one of my teammates in PM I let her role off my back. Nothing makes my hair stand up more than grown folks who don't take responsibility for their own actions.
Do you believe that you were born to win and that before you were even born you that was part of your destiny. I'm energized when I'm in the presence of those who want to win.Who get up expecting great things and who are bold in their pursuit of happiness.
I heard a young woman say today, "at this point in my life, I don't have time to be bothered with negative energy."Her statement actually blessed me because here was a young woman already committed to only the right energy.
What kind of energy are you drawn too? I really need some face time in His presence and so I'm signing off to do just that. It's in His presence there is the fullness of joy.
Posted by Rita Love at 10:45 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
How Do You Know When Enough is Enough
269: "Not everything that can be counted counts, and not everything that counts can be counted."-Albert Einstein What an incredible ride this day has been in most every way possible. Woke up and the entrance to my daughter's bedroom and closet were soaked with water. The plumber discovered the drain was stopped up and we had the problem solved in a matter of hours.
Now I have to get the carpet cleaned or pull it up on tomorrow. This little hick-up got me thinking about all the decisions I have to make as a single woman. As I was thinking about it my ex-husband called to get my input on some medical coverage for our daughter. My daughter called to share her enthusiasm about her new job and ask me how what she should do about summer classes.
In preparation for my meeting with my millionaire mentor Donald Bradley it forced me to work on my June goals and objectives. As I wrote them out I knew my thinking was to small. Sometimes as women we are afraid to think "Big" because we don't really think we're suppose to have wealth. Not only don't we think we're suppose to have it but we're even afraid to dream about it.
As I began to adjust my goals I felt empowerment like never before to move my life forward in a mighty way and break the cycle of poverty off of my bloodline. Never again will I sit on the sidelines applauding as others live and walk out my dreams.
I'm going to ask for exactly what I want and I won't compromise on those desires because there are to many people depending on me to get it right.It's really time for women to start to walk in boldness and bring as many other women along with them as possible. I know its my set time for favor because I feel like timing has been released over my life and I'm ready.
So the question posed to me at a very late team meeting was "how do you know when enough is enough." It was a question around desires and knowing when to put a cap on how much you think you should believe for. I say, "take the limits off of God" and free Him to be total God in your life. I truly believe that we are destined to live in the overflow if we are committed to making the kingdom of this world become the kingdom of our Lords.
Posted by Rita Love at 11:43 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 24, 2010
I Need a Sleep and I Need it Now
Day 270: My body is screaming for some sleep after its 5 mile walk/run and a very hot shower. Will be back after a short nap. I have been burning the midnight oil and the daylight oil and I'm so unbalanced.
It's so important to keep your life in order. God does not bless mess and if your house is out of order everything else is as well. I promised God that I would not put anything else before Him if He would bless my business. I promised Him that He could trust me with wealth .But the truth is I want Him to be able to trust me with wealth, His people and time.
So tonight, the blog is short because I realize I need to- be refreshed to study the word, love on my family, build my business and ace my classes.
Posted by Rita Love at 10:59 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Celebrating When You've Done Good
Day 271: Long talks with my son are always eye openers to me. He calls me First Lady because he says," you're the first lady in my life." It makes my heart feel really good to hear.It's a really nice spot to have until his wife comes along. I then shared with him the importance of a First Born Son and you can see him stick his chest out with pride.
Today he said," mom you did a good job raising me" and I knew he meant that with all his heart. It got me thinking about how we focus on the things we don't achieve and the goals we don't reach. Instead of celebrating when we achieve we spend to much time focusing on what didn't work.
Posted by Rita Love at 11:38 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 22, 2010
We are Not Enemies
Day 272: Today one of my relatives became a business partner with me in my ZamZuu business. And he said to me, " no matter what happens remember we are not the enemy." In other words, whatever comes at us while we're building this thing together be sure to remember who we are to each other.
Posted by Rita Love at 11:08 PM 0 comments
Thursday, May 20, 2010
You Might be Entertaining Angels
Day 272: "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares." Hebrews 13:2 Today I found myself showing random acts of kindness and this scripture was brought back to my memory.
As I walked into my dentist office today I was greeted by his dental assistant Nena. I was finishing up a business call and was distracted as she paid me compliments about how nice I looked. I acknowledged her and realized I was being rude and preceded to give her my undivided attention. As we started to chat I could feel the heaviness of her spirit. We exchanged what we'd been up to since the last visit and my testimony of "giving God something to work with everyday" seemed to resonate with her spirit. When she stated, " I know you came her today for me because I needed to hear that," it almost moved me to tears.
When we go through our trials and tribulations we never know who we'll have to be a witness too. Or when we might need to encourage someone to be strong in the Lord because we have already walked through their situation. Which is why this scripture is so relevant to my day and those I encountered.
After the dentist, a former co-worker friend came to mind and I called to invite her to lunch on the spur of the moment. She was very happy to see me and gave me the same compliment about how good I looked today. By the end of lunch she was sharing how much the impromptu lunch meant to her. But more importantly, how seeing me so free gave her the courage to believe she could step out on faith and leave a job that no longer satisfied her.
Ministry must come out side of the four walls of the church and into all the world. It was a blessing to be a blessing to others today and I'm humbled to have touched someone in an intimate and meaningful way.
Be very careful to be hospitable to those you come into contact with, for you may very well be entertaining angels.
Posted by Rita Love at 11:34 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
The Risk of Losing Focus
Day 273: I will probably say this all the way until I walk across the stage to pick up my Master's Degree in Entertainment Business, "what was I thinking." My Project Management course is proving to be extremely challenging on many levels. I'm on a team with other not so liked minded individuals and we are graded as a team.
Posted by Rita Love at 11:46 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
What Do You Do When The Problem Is You?
Day 274: This was the topic of our Bible Study tonight and I thought it would make for a good blog as well. It make take you some time to admit that it's not someone else fault and it's not the devil. Then who could it be?. Could it really be me?
Posted by Rita Love at 11:51 PM 0 comments
Monday, May 17, 2010
A Good Killing
Day 275:"No weapon formed against me shall prosper, and every tongue that rises up against me in judgment I condemn." (Isa. 53-17) I would never knowingly do anything to purposely hurt another person.
Recently I was accused of overlooking someone on purpose and it caused them to lash out at me. While the accusation was not true I was more amazed at my response. The old Rita would have been hurt by the accusation and probably called up family and friends to justify my positioning. In the past I've needed someone to agree with me. But not this time. I'm finally able to wrap my head around the fact that I can't control the behavior of other folks only how I respond to them.
I tell myself every other week how I'm going to "just do me." Yet, week after week, after week, I find myself involved in other people's stuff. Clearly, I have a high propensity for pain and even drama. If not, I wouldn't continue to repeat lessons already learned with people over and over again.
Even my kid's don't believe me when I tell them I've had enough and I'm pulling up and puling back. It appears that I either have a high tolerance for pain or it's very hard for me to let go of being an enabler. How do you just stop doing for other's when they show you over and over again that it's taken for granted? How do you shut the door on people who motivations don't line up with your own?. How do you not get amnesia with behaviors that have remained consistent in and out of time?
I could say I've battled this most of my life. But the truth is I've only put a label on my own behavior over the last three years. The good news is I recognize my weakness as it related to allowing people to kill you over and over again. You know people can only do to you what you allow don't you?
Today I take a firm stand against a good killing of Rita Love Owens over and over again. I stand with my lions girded about me and declare that a new day is dawning and I hear the sound of the abundance of rain.
Killing me sofetly...over.
Posted by Rita Love at 11:34 PM 0 comments
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Thursday, May 13, 2010
Civility & Change
Day 277:The second way to keep our democracy healthy is to maintain a basic level of civility in our public debate. These arguments we're having over government and health care and war and taxes are serious arguments. They should arouse people's passions, and it's important for everyone to join in the debate, with all the rigor that a free people require.
But we cannot expect to solve our problems if all we do is tear each other down. You can disagree with a certain policy without demonizing the person who espouses it. You can question someone's views and their judgment without questioning their motives or their patriotism. Throwing around phrases like "socialist" and "Soviet-style takeover;" "fascist" and "right-wing nut" may grab headlines, but it also has the effect of comparing our government, or our political opponents, to authoritarian, and even murderous regimes." President Barak Obama
Posted by Rita Love at 11:43 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
A Salute to Greatness
Day 279: "Every day, people settle for less than they deserve. They are only partially living or at best living a partial life. Every human being has the potential for greatness." Bo Bennett
Posted by Rita Love at 11:42 PM 0 comments
You Touched Me
Day 280 "However good or bad you feel about your relationship, the person you are with at this moment is the "right" person, because he or she is the mirror of who you are inside." Deepak Chopra
Posted by Rita Love at 11:21 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Thursday, May 6, 2010
I Want It All Back
You may have thought, you won that last round
You may have laughed (cuz) I almost fell down
Maybe you think I give up easy
But its not ovah, I got more in me
You thought I stopped, you thought I sat down
But I am standin', you made me mad now!
You got some things, I think you owe me
I've come to get back everything that you stole
I want it all back
As I was praying this morning about a specific situation I heard Holy Spirit tell me"you have authority" over this thing. After I gave thanks, I got up and this day has been mine. Didn't accomplish everything I wanted to but I did have a revelation that God has given me dominion in the earth realm and I'm going to use it everyday.
This song by Tye Tribett "I want it All back" is exactly how I have felt all day today. So, I'm sharing the lyrics to a song that you should download listen to, and get up and stomp the head of the serpent of the enemy ever stole anything from you.
More of the song,
You hit me hard, I should be knocked out
Things I've been through, don't even wanna talk about
You crossed the line (this time) you violated me
I want revenge (I want everything back from) A to Z
The battle's not mine, the battle is the Lord?s
In the name of JESUS, I'm takin it by force
I want it all back
The things Ive been through I should be knocked out...but I got up.
If you only knew what I was gonna be
After the storm you wouldn't have even bothered me
(And now I'm) stronger
(And I got more) power
(I?m a little bit) wiser
(And I got more) strength
(I got thee) anointing
(Got God's) favor
(And we're still) standing
I want it all back
Give me my stuff back, give me my stuff, give me my stuff back
I want it all
I want that,
What about your family and all your self-esteem, even your destiny?
What about the joy you tasted and the time you wasted, do you want it back?
What about your place in God and all your faith in God, even the ways of God?
What about your hopes and dreams and your communities, even your kids and teens?
I want that, I want that, I want that, I want that
I want it all back
Give me my stuff back...I want it all back and I mean to have it all.
Posted by Rita Love at 11:09 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
Live Life to Live
Day 282:“If death meant just leaving the stage long enough to change costume and come back as a new character...Would you slow down? Or speed up?”Chuck Palahniuk Wow, not there is something that makes you go ummmmm.
I woke up this morning full steam ahead, I mean I was ready to climb every mountain and forge every hill. After hearing all the beautiful things that was said about Richard Kaufman at his funeral I started my day intentional. Up early in prayer and devotions and out to the track for my 5 mile walk. Boy is this so out of shape body taking a beating.
My new class Project Management, started today and the whole team concept always poses as a teachable moment for me. I have never done well on teams where the people are not liked minded. Usually I have to dumb down in the group so other folks can feel good about themselves. Tonight we held a video conference and my team member's a considerably younger than me. It was a little of a strain but I took the high road and tried to make everyone feel valued.
My first video contest was only a fair success as the Atlanta audience doesn't seem to now how to upload a video. Not sure how the client will rate this promotion so we shall see.
It's official..I have been working for 18 hours. Not just on my business but all kinds of things that lead to the common goal.
Today was a day that the Lord made, that I had never seen before...It was good!
Posted by Rita Love at 10:56 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, May 4, 2010
Monday, May 3, 2010
Sunday, May 2, 2010
You Want Me to Do What?
Day 285:"Almost every man wastes part of his life in attempts to display qualities which he does not possess, and to gain applause which he cannot keep." ~Samuel Johnson, The Rambler, 1750. If you are a frequent reader of my blog you now I love to start my post off with a thought provoking quote.
I have been not been feeling my best since Friday when the bug that has my girls down decided it wanted to be my friend. I realize getting up a couple of times a night with my granddaughter had weakened my ability to fight this thing. If the truth be told, I need some rest like Big time but have to keep pushing.
Today, we had recital for our dance ministry and my little mentee stood in awe of all the girls from age 3-25 as they performed. I could tell she was so wishing she could be a part of something like it. One of my friend's replied at the recital that you could see in her face that she does not get to be a child. Several times today, she has told me that I need to do what I need to do to get the child with me.
My sister called from Chicago and stated, while she was in church she saw the child living with me. In fact. she believes I am taking on the role of my great-grandmother who took me and raised me when not one wanted me.
All I have to say is hold up wait a minute. First off, I don't believe for one minute that her mother will allow her to come and live with me. Second, my child is almost 21 years old and wants to move out on her own. So, why would I want to start over raising a child? I hear you saying, "It is not about you." Well, that would come as no surprise as nothing ever is about me from where I sit. So, what is up with all of this good intention of folks telling me to try to take on this massive responsibility?
Is my assignment really more than shedding light on the situation so counseling and healing can come into her home? I don't have a clue and I don't sense God telling me to do anything at the moment. But, what I will do is be obedient to the urging of Holy Spirit. I will do whatever I hear the Lord telling me to do. And if by chance it works out that she comes back to me, then I know it's what I am destined to do.
Lord, Do You!
Posted by Rita Love at 10:59 PM 0 comments
Saturday, May 1, 2010
You will only Rememebr the Good
Day 286: “Dance as though no one is watching you. Love as though you have never been hurt before. Sing as though no one can hear you. Live as though heaven is on earth.” When my mother passed the heart surgeon told my brother and me eventually we would only remember the good things. Tonight, as I stood with my two sister’s Juanita and d Jakki to present and award in my mother’s honor I was reminded of those words.
An early morning call sent me and my kids off to the police station to pick up the young girl I have spoken of a couple of days back. She and her mother had another altercation and the officer wanted her removed from the house. Actually, the mother called to have her removed from the house. The officer was adamant that it was not their job to just pick up her child because she didn’t want to deal with her anymore. The good news is that he was able to see through all the crazy.
When I first got the call I was reluctant to take this one and said I would not be able to keep her next week. Then my daughter said, "Mom just do it", we will work it out.” I have a great tendency to take on other people stuff when it’s not my assignment. The buy-in from my daughter made it much easier for me to say yes. The small police force was synergized around getting the best care for my mentee for the next few days. They were elated that I had come to get her. We've not seen each other in over 10 months but I know this is a relationship for a lifetime.
As we embraced I was very aware of my love for this child and I could feel the relief swelling up inside of her as she held on tight. We both cried tears of joy at seeing each other even under these circumstances.
I'm not sure what the plan is- God knows. But, I'm open to be used so that He will be glorified and that Baby Girl will be safe and love. I have a friend who has kids around this age and I'm always thinking better him than me...ummm.
One day she too will only remember the Good things.
Posted by Rita Love at 11:46 PM 0 comments