Thursday, May 20, 2010

You Might be Entertaining Angels

Day 272: "Be not forgetful to entertain strangers: for thereby some have entertained angels unawares." Hebrews 13:2 Today I found myself showing random acts of kindness and this scripture was brought back to my memory.

As I walked into my dentist office today I was greeted by his dental assistant Nena. I was finishing up a business call and was distracted as she paid me compliments about how nice I looked. I acknowledged her and realized I was being rude and preceded to give her my undivided attention. As we started to chat I could feel the heaviness of her spirit. We exchanged what we'd been up to since the last visit and my testimony of "giving God something to work with everyday" seemed to resonate with her spirit. When she stated, " I know you came her today for me because I needed to hear that," it almost moved me to tears.

When we go through our trials and tribulations we never know who we'll have to be a witness too. Or when we might need to encourage someone to be strong in the Lord because we have already walked through their situation. Which is why this scripture is so relevant to my day and those I encountered.

After the dentist, a former co-worker friend came to mind and I called to invite her to lunch on the spur of the moment. She was very happy to see me and gave me the same compliment about how good I looked today. By the end of lunch she was sharing how much the impromptu lunch meant to her. But more importantly, how seeing me so free gave her the courage to believe she could step out on faith and leave a job that no longer satisfied her.

Ministry must come out side of the four walls of the church and into all the world. It was a blessing to be a blessing to others today and I'm humbled to have touched someone in an intimate and meaningful way.

Be very careful to be hospitable to those you come into contact with, for you may very well be entertaining angels.