Monday, September 20, 2010

Everything is Time Sensitive

Day 162: If you're going to move into destiny this season it will be very important that you move expeditiously. It's critical that we become more disciplined about the assignment we've been given in our lives. It's time to move out of the emotional realm and become disciplined and decisive about how we move forward.

My visit to the Chiropractor today gave me great pause as he performed extensive testing on my spine and total body. I was shocked by many of the observations he made and had to make a decision right then if I would make the lifestyle changes required. I realized as I listened to the doctor that I would have to discipline my spirit and the decision was in the moment. Today was a day that I would have to get involved in my destiny. Living my life to the fullest means treating my time on this earth as though each day was my last.

I've not been sleeping well for the past two weeks because my lower back is out of alignment and so I slept for only one hour last night. Around 4:45 pm, my body started shutting down and forced me to take a nap so it could get rejuvenated. I have all of these wonderful ideas and desires to bless other people and be a voice that encourages, gives direction and heals. Well, if I don't take care of me first, then nothing else really matters...does it?

Have you ever felt like something great was about to happen, you don't know what it is but you know it's something? That's how I'm feeling right at this moment.

I know that the timing in my life is about to be accelerated and I can't allow myself to do anything that is familiar.