Wednesday, September 15, 2010

You'll Meet Your Investor on the Way

Day 166: As you all know iron sharpens iron and today I've been sharpened by some pretty savvy investors and financial managers. In a matter of minutes an old friend who called me looking for some resources, had me engaged in conversations that were blowing my mind. At first it was intimidating until the friend said," See you are able to articulate with passion why this venture makes sense." Then he said, "Now let us go to work putting together the plan that will sell in private and public offerings." Wow!

My business venture is traditionally extremely hard to get capital or investors to back unless you know somebody who knows somebody. Today, I realize that I know somebody who knows somebody...yeah. The call stretched me and made me think of angles and offerings the team and I had not yet dreamed possible. Henry Ford once said," I am looking for a lot of men who have an infinite capacity to not know what can't be done."

While in Dallas one of the things I heard over and over again was "move forward and advance" because tradition is being broken off. Something may not have worked in the old season, but it does not mean it won't work in this season in a new way.

My dreams are being rekindled and focused in a very new way and I'm talking Apple and Goggle new way. The fear of the future is being shattered off of us. Dust those dreams off and start having some new conversations with some new folks. Enlarge your territory, your circle and take the "Limits Off". Make it your business to talk to some new people everyday who have some knowledge about what you're trying to do. Borrow their testimony until you get your own. Today, I told a friend she could borrow my faith until her own increased to where mine is if she needed too. No more complaining, no more filling my cup with my own tears. I'm filled up with "living water" and believing that all things are possible because of whose I am.

I'm not letting go until this blessing is mine.