Saturday, April 17, 2010

Crying Silent Tears

Day 300: “It is not because things are difficult that we do not dare, it is because we do not dare that they are difficult.” -Seneca. My body hurts so very bad and everything about it aches from head to toe.

I walked the 25 minute to the gym today pushing my granddaughter Skyy's Bob stroller in tow. It was not a hard walk at all and it was delightful watching all the people going to the Dogwood festival speak and ahhhh over baby girl. Her Mom had been given the day to hang out with her friend's for a birthday celebration. Skyy was not fund of the daycare at LA Fitness but I was hopeful that she would at least let me get in 45 minutes on the treadmill.

We checked in and the lady that runs the daycare( I know I should know her name)was happy to see Skyler...not my baby's name. So, of to the treadmill I went and did my body go into shock. I was sweating and almost doing a victory day because I was actually sweating. For me it meant,my metabolism was starting to kick in and get in alignment...Yes.

The walk back home was a little harder as the incline was a butt kicker and I was suddenly in need of some hot eater on my body. Got Skyy feed and instead of getting a much needed nap with her I worked on my Business Plan Thesis.By the time she was up for her nap I was walking like a zombie as my muscles were starting tighten up. Thee treadmill had shocked my body because I was not walking the park. Oh, I cried silent tears.

I know all of this is for my good. It's been seven days in a row of working out and I'm proud of me...but I hurt. I do feel good about what I've been able to make happen this week and I have to keep pushing myself for more discipline. It's good but it is not good to go higher.

It might seem like I'm putting myself down or not celebrating my victories but I'm really not. In the past when I started to see the pounds and inches coming off,I'd start celebrating and then revert back to the old habits.

Well failing is not an options this time around as I am in it to win it. I have got to do everything I'm suppose to do in this season because it's my time. Tomorrow I give the body a rest and then Monday I think I will hit the gym and the weights. It's three weeks until I have dinner with Pastor Marvin Winans and Tyler Perry. I want to be looking fly.