Friday, April 9, 2010

Oh, The J O U R N E Y!

Day 309:" God didn't promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain, but He did promise strength for the day, comfort for the tears, and light for the way." -Anonymous. It's about 1:35 am and I missed posting before 12:00 am on Thursday. Why, you may ask? Because, I was having a meltdown as my extended assignment zip file would not upload my work.....oh my goodness.

One of my new friend's from church Mike tried for over 25 minutes to help me until my time ran out. As I was going through the process, I was literally stressed out and I could feel it in my neck. About 12:15 am I gave up the ghost as there wasn't a thing else I could do. Will my professor accept the work when technical support sees that I tried to upload at 11:42- maybe or maybe not? The bottom line is this first week has been nothing short of incredible as everything thing I think I know has been challenged. This project counts as 6% of my grade for the week and you would think by my reaction it was the whole 100%.

I know you're thinking why was I uploading my work so late anyway? Well, I spent hours researching and doing my Executive Leadership Thesis statement on Apple's Steve Job. A friend clarified that my thesis should be on someone who would not be your usual suspect. I thought that was an important nugget and begin researching my new subject Tyler Perry. As my friend began to ask me questions about building my case I was so on brain freeze. Oh, the Journey.

Since I operate in a spirit of excellence, I'm pulling an all-nighter or at least and as long as my body will allow me to stay up nighter. Next week's work has been posted for a week and I'm going to try my very best to get this work completed by Sunday. Even though I had technical difficulties tonight I'm so much more comfortable and proficient with the MacBook Pro.

I don't even know how Tiger Wood's did at the Master's today. Tried to position myself to get some real reading glasses today but no one told me they would be like $500. I thought they could not possible be true for frames I didn't even like. Tomorrow I will venture out and try it again since I'm armed with information. If eyeglasses really cost that much I will surly get frames I love. Is that so hypocritical when I've spent over $200 for a pair of's all vanity.

I've settled in my mind and spirit to get out of critical mode and get settled into enjoying all of this new experience. Hello Change. JOURNEY.