Friday, April 16, 2010

It's A Kairos Moment

Day 301: Almost every living soul has moments of Kairos - instances where a person is so dramatically overwhelmed with life events that time stands still and is no long relevant. When the things of common, normal life cease, and a person's focus is directed on one defining, specific, notable and special moment that has deep significance to him, as life itself is put on hold, and the drama of Kairos unfold

The Greek language has a couple of words that mean, "Time." The first is most familiar—Chronos. It means the chronology of days, governed by the carefully calculated earths' sweep around the sun. God himself ordained this measurement of days on the fourth day of Creation, spinning the heavenly lights "for seasons, and for days and years."

But another word for time is also used in the New Testament—Kairos. This speaks more to specific, God-ordained times throughout history, sometimes called the "right time" or "appointed season" (Titus 1:3). Kairos is God's dimension—one not marked by the past, the present, or the future.

When Jesus came, it was a fulfillment of promises past, a cosmic collision of the sacred and secular. It was an intersection of the holy will of God and the stubborn ways of man. It was a perfect moment. John the Baptist said in Mark 1:15 that "time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand."
This godly Kairos pierced its way into creation at just the right time, slicing through chronos with a cry of a baby in a manger.

The cross was another Kairos moment. Romans 5:6 says, "For while we were still helpless, at the right time, Christ died for the ungodly."

Kairos moments then—and now—allow us to get a glimpse of the "other side." We peek around the corner at eternity. We actually glimpse how God works.

We should always live our days looking for those moments, those inexplicable times when His will and his way intersect with our daily walks.

And they can happen anytime! A friend calls you out of the blue to give a good word. Tonight, my friend Fray called and shared a Kairos moment that happened to him on yesterday. He was used by God to change the life of a young homeless man that reunited him from the back of a church parking lot on yesterday, to the arms of his family in Maryland today.

As I listened I could hear the humility and brokenness in his spirit to be able to imagine that God has worked through him in such a supernatural way. To God be the glory. The word says, we should always have a word in season, as you never know when you might be entertaining angels.

This post is mostly about spiritual things to night because it’s so important that we are able like the tribe of Issachar to discern the season and times. We are living in a Kairos moment and the door is open for us to walk in all that we have ordained to do. It’s time to start our business, get promoted, write the book, buy the new home, go to college, go back to college, get healthy, get in shape. Its just time to do it for I decree it is our “set time for favor.