Wednesday, June 23, 2010

I've Got Two Advocates

Day 243-241: I resolve to live my life to the fullest each day and to the best of my ability. I have but one life to live and I chose to live it laughing and running towards the wind. I especially love the winds of change. It is a reminder to me that God said, "I will do a new things shall you not know it, I will make rain in the wilderness." I love change for it is the only constant in life. And the fact that I get that makes me smile and it keeps me youthful and open to all kinds of possibilities.

I take the limits off of God and I'm letting Him lead and guide me like never before. He's downloading creative ideas and strategic business strategies to me and today it was hard to keep up. I like knowing when I step up to the call on my life that I have two Advocate working on my behalf. On earth, The Holy Spirit pleads our cause. The things we can not say right, He says for us; the things we do not understand, He interprets for us. In heaven, Jesus is our Advocate with the Father; He pleads our cause. Just think, we have the two greatest Advocates in the universe. With two Advocates or Attorneys, how could we ever lose a case?

I didn't blog for the last two days because I came back from the beach with a head cold that tried to shut me down. As I lay in bed last night with body aches I wondered if this attack on my body was for the prayers and scriptures that went forth for Vicki. Or maybe it was just the combination of swimming and the very hot air. No matter for I was determined to get under the covers, rest and beat it right out of my body. Tonight there is very little evidence that I felt yucky from head to toe.

I've not worked out in three days so tomorrow I have to hit the tracks and get back on game. Tomorrow night my mentor Donald Bradley and I start our "Straight Talk Live-New York" call and that's pretty exciting. Then on July 5th, I'm launching a national call for women and we're noodling a name for it...more to come.

I have a Private Business reception on Sunday and I'm expecting to sign up at least 7 new business partners to reach my goal of 10 this month. I know the month is only 7 days away. But I believe it's not over til its over. For I can do "all things through Christ who strengthens me , the hope of glory."

After all, I have two Advocates working on my behalf.