Friday, June 25, 2010

Finding Your Tipping Point

Day 239: “To be nobody but yourself in a world which is doing its best day and night to make you everybody else means to fight the hardest battle any human being can fight; and never stop fighting”
- E.E. Cummings

Everything pushed me over the edge today. Being bogged down writing a Literature Review paper is absolutely crazy for me right now. I want to focus on my business and this just seems to have me way off course. I really did think at this stage in my life that graduate school would be a little easier but it's not. And so now my posture is I only have 9 more months left.

I have this huge passion now where I just want to focus on my many moving parts. This is a life lesson for me and for any one reading this. Please stop, pray and then wait for and answer when making decisions that so affect your future. I'm sure I will look back on this time when I'm crossed the finish line and I'm celebrating and be very glad that I did this. However, I do know with all my heart that if I could have do over I would not be doing this. Better decisions Rita.

Well enough self pity for tonight. I have midnight prayer at the church as we have been on a 30 day prayer focus and fast. (have not fasted on day this month) I'm so out of sink with what is happening at my church as I have been on the road. But, I do know that I need to be in the house of prayer tonight among the congregation. Thank you Lord for grace and mercy....I've needed a big dose this month.

What I realize more than anything is that I have this burning desire to walk in my destiny. I want to work on my magazine, talk show and women's conference. I've got distracted along the way with life and stuff I added to life. Yet, today I reached a very pivotal tipping point I know exactly what I want! That my friend's is so refreshing and powerful. I'm a finisher so I will forge ahead.

Going to lay it all down at the altar tonight and not pick it back up again.