Saturday, June 26, 2010

That Time Has Passed

Day 238:"I always tell my kids if you lay down, people will step over you. But if you keep scrambling, if you keep going, someone will always, always give you a hand. Always. But you gotta keep dancing, you gotta keep your feet moving."- Morgan Freeman. Tonight I was engaged in conversation with an old friend regarding an old friend. I expressed my concerns that our mutual friend was not happy and appears to be just sad.

As she began to give me a clear understanding of the real world circumstances that brought our friend to where they are to day it became clearer. We went through the what ifs and could have, would have , should have. I expressed my desire to just be our friend's friend because I believe they truly are in need of just that. And then she set off sparks with," Rita that time has passed."

I almost jumped out of my skin. I was so very relived that I didn't have to go down the path I thought i did because I wanted to keep the memories in tack. Yet, that time has passed and I we can't go back and changes thing. In fact, our friend isn't even my assignment. So there goes Rita getting in her own way...again, I say again. When will we women get it through our heads that everyone isn't assigned to us and that's okay. We do not have to fix everything and everybody. Nor do they want us too.

Enough about that..