Sunday, June 27, 2010

Riding on the Fresh Winds Of Change

DAY 237: Now unto him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that works in us. Ephesians 3:20. I love this scripture, and today it was elevated as I reflected on just how good of a day it really was.

Most times when this verse is spoken the last part about which states " according to the power that works in us" is left off. The sooner that we realize that God has already given us everything we need to live out our destiny the sooner we will be able to do just that. But it does say that He is able, and He is able means it's His good pleasure to do so. I love this verse so very much because I have the assurance that He is ABLE.

I hosted my first Private Business reception for my Zamzuu business at my friend Dwight Eubanks home this evening and it was a huge success. I was pleased with the diversity professionals that attended and certainly those three new business partners. My team is really growing and I know the one that got started today are going to work it and keep me busy.

Well another class under the belt and I did survive with only 10 more to go. It's almost midnight and I want to get an early start so I'm going to call in a night. I so know that God is doing a new thing. There is a shift going on and I can feel it and almost taste it.

Lord I give you thank for all things that you have done.