Tuesday, March 23, 2010

I See a Lion

Day 325: "Life is queer with its twists and turns, As every one of us sometimes learns, And many a fellow turns about. When he might have won had he stuck it out. Don't give up though the pace seems slow -You may succeed with another blow."- Anonymous. It was another day of staying in the zone and diversifying my business and my thinking.

Everyday I feel as though I’m getting closer and closer to a major breakthrough. I have no idea what it is it’s just something in my knower that says keep pushing. Yesterday, I totally over did it and this week is shaping up to be a very busy one.

One of my business partners Demond Crump talked to our team tonight about how he always saw himself as a Director in the business. He challenged us to think about how we see ourselves. It does not matter how anyone else see’s you it only matter how you see yourself. Of course, I know this yet his illustration was a WOW. He showed a slide of a cat looking in a mirror and the reflection staring back at it was of a lion. You see, to everyone else the cat was only a cat, but to the cat he was a lion. So, when you look at you what do you see.

I’ve written down some big dreams for myself this year and if I intend to see them come to fruition then I’m going to need to be on my A game .I’m going to have to see the lion staring back at me. My study time continues to be off and that is not good. I feel every night as though I’m cheating the Lord out of His time with me. After all, He is a jealous God-jealous over me.

I see myself carrying the ball and it being passed to me for the game winning shot. Going to make a cup of hot cocoa and spend some time in the word and loving on the Lord.